The Tragic Fate of Uncle Tom.doc

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The Tragic Fate of Uncle Tom

写作课论文 学 院 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 英 语 专 业 年 级 xxxx 级 姓 名 x x x 论文题目 The Tragic Fate of Uncle Tom 2009 年 6 月23 日 The Tragic Fate of Uncle Tom Thesis Statement: In the background of slavery, Uncle Toms character of submissive and loyal is one of the important reasons for his tragic fate. Outline: Ⅰ. A brief introduction to the author and the novel A. The introduction to Harriet Beecher Stowe B. A simple account of Uncle Tom’s Cabin C. Analysis of Uncle Tom’s character Ⅱ. Uncle Tom’s reversals of fortune A. Uncle Tom’s first reversal of fortune ----be sold to Haley B. Uncle Tom’s second reversal of fortune ----be sold to Augustine St. Clare C. Uncle Tom’s third reversal of fortune ----be sold to Simon Legree 1. Uncle Tom’s hard life under the clutches of Legree 2. Uncle Toms ultimate fate Ⅲ. Uncle Tom’s kindness and struggle in helping other slaves get their freedom A. Uncle Tom says nothing about Eliza and her son Harrys escape B. Uncle Tom suffers great hardships in order to help Casey and Emmeline Ⅳ. Conclusion: At the time of the extension of slavery in America, slave-trade is an inevitable result. And Uncle Tom, as a pious and honest slave at that time, his tragic lot seems inevitable too. The Tragic Fate of Uncle Tom PartⅠ,A Harriet Beecher was the seventh child of a famous protestant preacher. During her life, she wrote poems, travel books, biographical sketches, and childrens books, as well as adult novels. While she wrote at least ten adult novels, Harriet Beecher Stowe is predominantly known for her first, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852), begun as a serial for the Washington anti-slavery weekly, the National Era. It focused public interest on the issue of slavery, and was deeply controversial. In writing the book, Stowe drew on her personal experience: she was familiar


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