The Universal Author Identifier System (UAI_Sys).pdf

The Universal Author Identifier System (UAI_Sys).pdf

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The Universal Author Identifier System (UAI_Sys)

The Universal Author Identifier System (UAI_Sys)? Dimitris A. Dervos1, Nikolaos Samaras2, Georgios Evangelidis2, Jaakko P. Hyv?rinen 3, Ypatios Asmanidis1 1 Information Technology Dept., ATEI, P.O. BOX 141, 57400 Sindos, Greece, Tel: +30.2310791295, Email: {dad,ypasm} 2 Dept. Appl. Informatics, Un. of Macedonia, P.O. BOX 1591, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece, Tel:+30.2310891844, Email: {samaras,gevan} 3 Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems, Un. of Jyv?skyl?, Finland, Tel: +358.142601211, Email: Abstract One common problem in the scientific research literature is that each one author cannot easily be identified uniquely. The problem arises when there are authors with identical names, authors who have changed their name(s) in the course of time, and authors whose names appear in alternative versions (for example: Jaakko Hyv?rinen, and J. P. Hyv?rinen) across the publications they have (co-) authored. The issue becomes more of a problem when data analysis utilizing author names is to be conducted, for example: in citation analysis. In this paper we introduce the Universal Author Identifier system, codenamed UAI_Sys. The system is web based and publicly available, enabling each one author to register/update his/her own metadata, plus acquire a unique identifier (UAI code), ensuring name disambiguation. As soon as UAI_Sys becomes accepted and enjoys worldwide use, selected author metadata will become globally available to all interested parties. Care is taken so that UAI_Sys comprises more than just a database for storing and handling author identifiers. Provision is taken for the system to incorporate web services facilitating communication with third party applications, thus expanding the possibilities for web based co-functionality. Last but not least, the system supports role-based access and management (i.e. different user roles for authors, librarians, publishers, and administrators)


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