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Physical Properties of Agricultural Materials 农业物料物理特性 杨德勇 课程考核 课程讲授: 课堂讲授+部分实验 课程要求: 基本理论及应用、测试原理与方法 课程考核: 平时成绩(30%) 作业成绩(70%) 联系方式: 公用邮箱:nywlwltx@ 密码:nywlwltx 个人邮箱:ydy@ 参考书目: 《农业物料学》,周祖锷主编,农业出版社,1995 《农业物料学》,赵学笃等,机械工业出版社,1985 《农业流变学导论》,李翰如,潘君拯,农业出版社,1990 《粘性流体力学》,章梓雄等,清华大学出版社,1999 《非粘性流体力学 》,董曾南等,清华大学出版社,2003 《食品物性学》,李里特,中国农业出版社,1998 Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials, Mohsenin N.N. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1970 Thermal Properties of Foods and Agricultural Materials, Mohsenin N.N. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1980 Physical Properties of Food and Agricultural Materials(A Teaching Manual), Mohsenin N.N. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1981 Electromagnetic Radiation Properties of Foods and Animal Materials, Mohsenin N.N. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1984 Physical Properties of Foods and Food Processing System, Lewis M.J., Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester(England), 1987 Engineering Properties of Foods, Rao M.A., Rizvi S.S.H., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1986 Thermal Processing of Bio-Materials, Tadeusz Kudra and Czeslaw Strumillo, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1998 Physical Properties of Foods, Peleg M., Bagley E.B., AVI Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, Connecticut, 1981 Storage of cereal grains and their products (Fourth Edition), D. B. Sauer (Ed.), AOAC, St. Paul, MN., 1992 Food Physics: Physical Properties –Measurement and Applications, Ludger O. Figura and Arthur A.Teixeira, Springer, 2007 Physical Properties of Foods, Serpil Sahin and Servet Gulum Sumnu, Springer, 2006 Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering (Third Edition), Romeo T. Toledo, Springer, 2007 Viscosity of Liquids: Theory, Estimation, Experiment, and Data, DABIR S. VISWANATH, Springer, 2007 Heat Convection, Latif M. Jij


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