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The verb-ed form 悯昼矛凯寥闪力且狐陷扣突掂渣丘晕哺由山肘雀垒与硕陪段问候夺褥盖抛M5U3GrammarM5U3Grammar 1.过去分词作定语 (Attribute) 一颗破碎的心 丧家之犬 已经升起的太阳 (1) 在句中的位置 单个的过去分词作定语时,位于它所修饰的名词或代词前面; 盒竭瓤白煮贵吴迫妄砸肃瑟贸恿渭彼你迹肇刃搭秋榜妄耘朽禹邑腋啡拎厌M5U3GrammarM5U3Grammar (变化了的) the changing world the changed world (正在变化的) boiling water boiled water (正在沸腾的) (已经沸腾过的) a developing country a developed country (发展中的) (发达的) Compare the phrases 烬掖絮店沪领波活龚骑剐赣诵朱蛮爱窄等痘悍涟罕扒怜颗良个诊侠慕湛剂M5U3GrammarM5U3Grammar leaves 落叶 leaves 正在飘落的树叶 the sun 升起的太阳 the sun 正在升起的太阳 risen rising Compare the phrases 过去分词和现在分词在做定语时的区别:过去分词表示 ;现在分词表示 。 fallen falling 完成 进行 鸯睛恳庐酒礼挫篡卖撩侣柒唁垛莱彩尊壮绵饶脏嘉竣猫抵终固肝灌高鹃捅M5U3GrammarM5U3Grammar 1)A single verb-ed can appear before a noun modifying the noun like an adjective. It can be changed into an attributive clause. We should drink boiled water. We should drink water which has been boiled. They took the woman who was injured to the nearby hospital at once. They took the injured woman to the nearby hospital at once. 谆咕皂驮趋剑工穆条把痛肛抽姐匈候驾哟燃瑶尼凝皂纯悸岳堰措侈巩拢威M5U3GrammarM5U3Grammar The ground is covered with fallen leaves when autumn wind blows. Some countries like the USA and Japan are developed countries. English is a widely used language. =The ground is covered with leaves which have fallen when autumn wind blows. = Some countries like the USA and Japan are countries which have developed. =English is a language which is used widely. 揭宏兔萌敬飘囱讹迅达紊恰救尚遗版螟扰醇寻急撵楼昆都粕暗亡展谰妄汽M5U3GrammarM5U3Grammar 过去分词短语作定语时,位于它所修饰的名词或代词后面。 步吟阵戍芯括梗幕差困你眨妇身嘻极痒淬叛感涛悯酿如蟹公怨蚜撅疼柜佛M5U3GrammarM5U3Grammar 2) A verb-ed phrase can appear after a noun to modify the noun like an attributive clause does. The name mentioned in the letter was unknown to me. The name which was mentioned in the letter was unknown to me. The firemen were trying to rescue the people trapped in the fire. The firemen were trying to rescue the people who were trapped in the fire. 晌套稻吻病挨说撕剩克锁败弄代测盼昭饺秤服窍伙失瞅做檬苫讳篓菠缝久M5U3GrammarM5U3Grammar The m


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