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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 基于ISO9000族标准的校办工厂质量体系设计 学科、专业 : 机械设计制造及其自动化 学 号 : 200903421 作 者 姓 名: 张 生 有 指 导 教 师: 曹 仁 涛 兰 州 交 通 大 学 Lanzhou Jiaotong University 摘 要 ISO9000是国际标准化组织颁布的全世界范围内通用的质量管理体系和质量保证方面系列标准,是贸易活动中建立质量信任关系的基石。今天ISO9000系列管理标准已经为提供产品和服务的各行各业所接纳和认可,拥有一个由世界各国及社会广泛承认的质量管理体系具有巨大的市场优越性。未来几年内,当国内外市场经济进一步发展,贸易壁垒被排除以后,它将会变得更加重要。 通过对ISO9000族标准意义和方法的学习和深入了解,在对兰州交通大学校办工厂进行深入调查的基础上,采用过程方法为主线,设计校办工厂针对ISO9000-2008标准案例,达到系统化质量管理的目的。本文首先介绍了ISO9000的起源、现状以及发展趋势,通过调研兰州交通大学校办工厂的实际情况,提出了兰州交通大学校办工厂质量管理体系引入ISO9000族标准的意义。接下来就质量管理体系认证的过程进行了全面的分析和阐述,明确了企业质量管理体系认证各个阶段的主要工作任务,指导企业的质量管理体系认证工作。最后编制了质量手册和程序文件,进一步规范了校办工厂质量管理体系。 关键词:ISO9000族标准;质量管理体系;质量认证 The Quality System Design of School-run Factory Based on ISO9000 Standards ISO9000 is the International Organization for Standardization issued worldwide generic quality management system and quality assurance series of standards is to establish quality trade activities cornerstone of trust relationships. Today ISO9000 series standards have managed to provide products and services accepted and recognized by all walks of life, with a widely recognized around the world and the communitys quality management system has huge market advantages. Within the next few years, when the further economic development of domestic and foreign markets, trade barriers were excluded later, it will become more important. Through the ISO9000 standard meaning and methods of learning and in-depth understanding, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, run factory in-depth investigation, based on the adoption of a process approach as the main line, run factories designed for ISO9000-2008 standard cases, to achieve systematic quality management purposes. This paper first introduces the ISO9000 origin, status and trends, through research, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, run factories of the actual situation, put forward run factory Lanzhou Jiaotong University introduced the ISO9000 quality management system standard meaning. Then


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