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Topic 1 We are preparing for a food festival. Section A 实验中学 赵树维 漫符鄙嗡莉梢钨溃俯妊炎谋惹酣帜吠有砂备携妙炉尚甘哥囊鸦丑垄聚粪膜Unit7Topic1SAUnit7Topic1SA 石晒指做惶雹疵弄缝页疫少黎刷硬猪忌猛饮名握姑骇为赂聊薪贰磨汛泣勃Unit7Topic1SAUnit7Topic1SA A Word Quiz 1. Adults and children like egg p , they are made of eggs and flour. 2. ---- What do you have for breakfast? ---- B , strawberry and milk. 3. Can you i what our future life will be? 4. I like drinking chicken s , because it’s delicious. 5. There are no good roads in the small v . 6. C smells bad but tastes good. 7. Who is going to o the party? 8. Now the cleaners are cleaning up all the p on the wall. 9. Daniel Igali is an Olympic w champion. ancakes iscuits magine oup illage heese rganize osters restling 赐盼祖忆赵潘堆实惯疙橱殿漏饮该锐多铁乞增硅割断叫链地隐圆间蚌怎恼Unit7Topic1SAUnit7Topic1SA 1a Pre – listening questions. 1. Who are the children going to help? 2. How are they going to help him / her with food? Daniel Igali. They will organize a food festival to help him. 梦泡衙喻就寂煎氓揽伍巾铆今模棒萤咱复馒狄岩贡穴菊虹掌阎七啄键因油Unit7Topic1SAUnit7Topic1SA Name Nationality Place of birth Occupation Achievements Plan Daniel Igali Canadian Nigeria An athlete Olympic wrestling champion To build a new school for his poor village in Nigeria 1a Listen to the tape, fill in the blanks. 戴甥直籍隧椎臭棕绸映醒芒限粘买渣拯诫驼颗掳煎吃柄床贩窿屹鳞督韩孙Unit7Topic1SAUnit7Topic1SA 1. 他将尽最大努力解决这个问题。 He will _______ _______ _______ to solve the problem. 2. 我认为他们能使这场音乐会成功。 I think they can _______ the concert _______. 3. 罗拉有困难时总是向父亲求助。 Lola always _______ _______ her father when she is in trouble. 4. 你们打算什么时候为贫困学生筹款? When are you going to _______ _______ for the poor students. 5. 对划线部分提问: We are going to have a basketball match on the school playground this afternoon. _______ and _______ are you going to have a basketball match? A Quiz try his best make successful turns to raise money


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