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Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A 1a - 1c (P49) Period1 【学习目标】: ?1.?? 能用英语描述人的外貌,包括身高、体重、发型 2. 学习完成任务所需要的语言: ?? 1)词汇:hair, curly, straight, tall, medium, height, thin, heavy, build, always ?? 2)句子:--What does he look like? ????????????????? -- She is of medium build, and she has long hair. 3) 对比is 和has 3.用本课所学的内容来描述自己的家人,从而增进与家人的感情。 【体验学习】: I、预习交流 1. 根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容; 2. 根据音标拼读新单词并牢记; 3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。 II、翻译官 1. 长发___________________ 2. 短发_____________________ 3. 直发___________________ 4. 卷发_____________________ 5. 高的___________________ 6. 矮的_____________________ 7. 重的___________________ 8. 廋的_____________________ 9. 中等个子_______________ 10. 中等身材_________________ 【课堂导学】: I、新课呈现 Step1Lead-in Use pictures and a famous saying to lead in the topic. Step2 Presentation 1. Learn the new words about people’s looks in 1a. 2. Finish 1a. Then check the answers. 3. Look at the picture in 1a and learn the drills: --What does he look like? Is he short or tall? --Well, he’s really…. And he has…. Step3 Listening Listen and finish 1b. Check the answers. II. 合作探究 Make a conversations to describe one of your group members .let other classmates (except your group members) guess who he/she is. III【自主检测】: 一、完美呈现 1. Sun Dong is very __________ (廋的). 2. He’s of _________ (中等的) build. 3. He is short and has __________ (卷的) hair. 4. Mary’s hair is long and __________ (直的). 5. –What is the __________ (高度) of the tree? -- About three meters. 总结归纳本课学的描述人外貌的词汇及句型。 Looks________________________________________________________________ 二、对比空间 1. My brother __________of medium height. And he ______short straight hair. 2. Mary ____ is very heavy and she _____curly hair. 三、译展身手 1. 你爸爸长什么样? _________________________________________________________? 2.他中等身材,留着短直发。 四.编写三个小对话来描述一下你的家庭成员(爷爷/奶奶;爸爸/妈妈;哥哥/妹妹)。 ______________________________________________________________ 【快乐链接】 描述人外貌的词汇 (1) short 矮 tall 高 thin 瘦 overwei


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