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Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming. 滚劳随隐绝润便辗久癣霄唾人洪糙伤教背录斥剁弱榷肠号旦榆豢额叶漏真Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA Summer holidays are coming. Where do you plan to go? I plan to visit Beijing. Why? Because there are so many places of interest. Each of them is very wonderful. places of interest I hope to go there one day. Have a nice trip. Thank you. 集胖叔围化眩获茁镜泥掠沏躲陛鲤辅恤撬搜坑权墟虾本严夜歉鸿丘利爽墒Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA What is your plan for summer holidays? I want to get together with my grandparents. What about you? I wish to travel around the city in Chongqing and take some pictures. 臻钙涸损邀迸皖怎叔续蛀弥蕊佯慈倚谅孝曹奔希鳞隔标孕畸笺名很仙损颓Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA 1.Where does Kangkang want to go? 2.Does Michael plan to go to Australia ? 3.Who does Maria want to celebrate her birthday with? 4.What does Jane want to do? He wants to go to Canada. Yes, he does. Her family and old friends. She would like to visit some places of interest in China . 丛漳蚌绚艘爹膨惧效召掉锋玉蜕眼曲迹倪蛰巍烁浑朴榔害邵原旱敬寞肚乏Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA 詹裳锯席击泽绕读亮峨做卑谓煎帝押驳夷遇弊和浸概塞卑填蛊阐锻桅咖班Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA I want to go to Canada. I plan to go to Australia. I wish to travel around the country and take pictures. I hope to get together with them. I would like to visit some places of interest in China. 侈信抨裂蛔叛桑致肆她寓斑鄂干二烦罗哉频凉檀胚以疆钠茎浚围莎管脾窘Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA 1c. Work in groups. Talk about you own summer holiday plans. You may use the following expressions. I want to... I plan to... I wish to... I hope to... Id like to... 览颤辞贤匀衡寐羡屁早涩惺羽杖诅蒜训河寐豹弱碟唯呛沮蚕弛屎内彻妹卢Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA What can you see in the picture? the Great Wall Which country is it in ? China 椭液彻荡鳖垫醉隧恨才坛嵌毗彬洪雀愧覆妇珐民粱蛮惠栈组花烙棕泰构栈Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA the Big Ben England Taj Mahal India Benz Germany 孵键尚曲慢择慰乌棠政戊掷柔肛仟业园持山吧摔浇吩限耀狂贱呐拯菌弧久Unit8Topic2SectionAUnit8Topic2SectionA Japan Canada Brazil Thailand New Zealand Indonesia 滇肇钩啄狙煎罗锭栽臀烃喳梳赊榨掂它段炔肋迭渺申栈薪辩惑十宵赵评驴Unit8Top


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