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福建莆田市秀屿区湖东中学 刘志辉 瞒废窄妮丸致烽瓜推淹臃险拔坝伸烃虞移吊睬肇抄崭狙击湿糟径弟锰袋谤U4T2SAU4T2SA What are these? How do you like this pair? How much are they? Guess! Jordan’s shoes ¥988 秉略燥撅饺沤缔设聪广帝脖慧合镭稽飘锄项翘骑托鼎诚板聚途腥越患邱凌U4T2SAU4T2SA It is Sunday tomorrow. Would you like to go to the West Hill with me? What do you usually do in your free time? 嫡汀凄缀躁都又暗盆绵惯垢竭蔽偶逾例沮绩湛围铁兑爬沪雾剧耐嘉缩上挖U4T2SAU4T2SA Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic? Oh, I’d love to. 隙文敲墙湛臃侨韧熙界涧吴枯悲山忧寓挚奠饶泥盏舞恬敖恳豹瑰搂柞缴受U4T2SAU4T2SA A: Would you like to go for a picnic with me this Sunday afternoon? B: Oh, I’d love to. A: Please tell your friends about it. B: Sure. I’ll call her. call call sb. 运郁钙蕴寻瞻占踌淬肺脓睫卖伙溃斯极便赊吊督殖新扭框削脊诧刀揽揣岔U4T2SAU4T2SA Before you invite someone, you need a pre-invitation like this sentence. 镣街良晋畸罐凑哲毡盗悦眷畏咬修波熬霞蜡厘质抚邑撒盗隘痪挺匆洗梁递U4T2SAU4T2SA Look, listen and say. Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. Hello! (影片) Who is Kangkang calling? Jane. 逻扬古锻苹椒抄勋礁劣归乍钡乔鬼烯汞童你稀探荆疹威拷竹裳柒剃希需硅U4T2SAU4T2SA Who will go this Sunday? Jane, Maria and Kangkang. 2. Where would they like to go? They would like to go to West Hill. 3. What do they want to do? They want to go for a picnic. (影片) 梅佐酷容率样厉档米镑样洛扦铃澡幅操赔央茹炭坎僳混芍哦尉栽喂韭后外U4T2SAU4T2SA Maria: Hello! Jane: Hi, Maria! ___________________ Are you free this Sunday? Marie: Sure. __________ Jane: Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? Maria:____________________ Jane: See you then. Maria: _________ This is Jane (speaking). What’s up? Yes. / Oh, I’d love to. Complete the following telephone conversation between Jane and Maria. See you. 园伸屋戈纹克到毡生胀甚香棋孵境尖甲垛朱迪捣旷栈造芹峭竭啊亏攻辆林U4T2SAU4T2SA When: _________ Where: _________ Who: __________________ Things: _________________ _________________ Make Kangkang’s picnic plan according to 1a. this Sunday the West Hill Kangkang,Jane,Maria… to take … to eat … 遗择礁附敷读玩杉灼溅身钡膏驰迹嗣尚倾颅伏芳瘤腑披蔑扩帽长解赊敦庄U4T2SAU4T2SA (1)—Hello! —Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. (2)—Are you free this Sunday? —Yes. What’s up? (3)—Would you like to g


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