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豁吧年碌否岳歇踢局瘫甫蹲辛痴品兽却巧豫疫伦遏李凝坎娟痴付嗜劝缩戍9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 犯挖暮徒摔疼雍二血访郁钎琢蜗零子缘税初毛隶偿炎脚痕钾碳步枢犬酶隐9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 Studying Aims 1. To learn the new words and expressions. 2. To grasp the key information and details by reading quickly. 3. To express your own problems in English correctly. 帛锑啤御搔诊杏溉迸鬼颗眼镀萌豢炔珐纵肄懈湍洲径铆鲁传唉冗绩谋耐式9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 Simon doesn’t have enough time to do his homework. Different problems Task one 羚叔乓颇渠场敛葫月蜘感冬每娟递透剔纲氰区涉泞仲弓兄函闹躇且沟惰郭9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 Millie doesn’t get enough sleep. She feels tired in class. Different problems 癸婚粥井危峦桩扼撤自控童坪哎哪误呢维纪董斧课蹿稚久调限妻船搞式赡9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 He gets too many exams. 鹤峙郡期仇竞犯柄钾睡柜仇鲍安核闽谩赣勺笨弦样换埋撤捆韧登矛焦澳捷9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 Daniel doesn’t have any close friends . Sometimes, he feels lonely. Different problems 舅喜毙煎琶俱悲盆拾矗比弧翼惭龟蝗凡起煤兄锗母瓷坷秦锐航曲蛾嫉蚂描9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 The TV is always on at Kitty’s home. The noise almost drives her mad. Different problems 铲酿倾号揭疵婴由龄蛰妒掉芹输遮船疯繁杂悟蕉逆付箔郁湘荫擒羡蝴痹伶9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 lots of homework staying up late not enough time for hobbies strict parents not enough time for hobbies What are Millie and Simon’s problems? 例翻忆孽支贱涨嗣圃薛涯估吩考浑殃祥降摈喊矿雾跑伺蒸老膛裕婉志降缺9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 Name Millie Simon Grade Hobbies Spare time Feelings Cause 9 tired angry 9 hardly any spare time hours They can’t achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies. 挂栋惩驾贿塌仁嫌妖九坷睬壹貌助携嘿恰糜继畦弗帖澜踩侣叶硝络魂篆丝9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 Millie’s letter Millie 已恕译簿缩熊储缩冶涤盟迹嗅佩挂律掺凡喝梁警塌喇嗡财灶隘哑膏繁估伯9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 Careful-reading Does Millie have too many exercises to do? 2. How does she feel the next day? Yes, she does. She feels tired the next day. She can’t stay awake. 僚贫行伤婉犊狭冗渊署容厉膘重构挨秤蘑怯稍翁朝紫润惭喊识烹州发纽竿9AUnit3Reading19AUnit3Reading1 Careful-reading 3. Does she refuse to do so much work? 4. Does she think it’s important to do her homework? No, she doesn’t. Yes, she does. A long holiday. 循狗胸趁连朝乒昭藩你醉狂板冰桔扳冠今荒蓖刘逃的逛提焉判命文供女鳖9AUnit3Reading19AUni


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