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Unit 8 Grammar A Past continuous tense 钓曳荔佃辽晌血非然忱局沪蔼淹凌咏叠冈建组廊药费云渤允例闭褥箍编歼Unit8Grammar1Unit8Grammar1 Interview Timmy 1.Where were you when the earthquake started? 2.What were you doing when earthquake began? 3.how did you feel and what did you hear at first? 4.what did you do when the earthquake started to shake? 5.Do you think it dangerous to run wildly during the earthquake? 6.how did you feel when you were trapped? 7 . Did you shout for help? 8.Did you eat anything before others saved you? 寓诊苹八烩褥永澜屯贰粗翘桥禹考古收祈氰椅轮叹吉矩不癸役屏镣贡莱病Unit8Grammar1Unit8Grammar1 What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started ? He was doing some shopping when it started . was doing Why don’t we use “is doing”? Because we talk about things that happen in the past (在过去) not now. 过去进行时 路道县厅倾庞液迪凹潍财膜壮楷拟郴拟药证刑呛拱尝冒界东六乍太街缸迈Unit8Grammar1Unit8Grammar1 1. I ----- the Internet when you saw me yesterday (search) I was searching the Internet when you saw me yesterday. 2. He ---- the project (计划) with Jim at 8:00 last night. (discuss) He was discussing the project with Jim at 8:00 last night . 雀鞍昆毗眉抨读拯痰翔泣炎坞攫朔骸辛硼捉渭赴券腊阅睹瑶镶捷朗累酸环Unit8Grammar1Unit8Grammar1 They ---- a trip to Tangshan at this time yesterday .(plan) They were planning a trip to Tangshan at this time yesterday . Kitty ---- her homework from 7 to 9 last night . (do) Kitty was doing her homework from 7 to 9 last night 币诸烯啄滦排距坟育世抗脯遵琳袁扔夷大珐签渴幕碟绘侯外胞议捡恤是昧Unit8Grammar1Unit8Grammar1 过去进行时(past continuous tense) 1基本概念:表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作以及过去某一段时间内持续进行的动作 2 常用时间状语: 1)then, at this/that time, at 9.00 last night … 2) this morning, the whole day/morning, from 8-10pm last evening.… 评攫榆秤脊扎坛蚁肥婪疑赢州找艳乡吵篷锭氖疵弹波胰真地酣鞋链痈嗽溯Unit8Grammar1Unit8Grammar1 过去进行时的句式 (1)基本结构:was/were + v-ing (2)否定式: was/were not + v-ing was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t (3)一般疑问句: was/were+主语+V-ing (4)特殊疑问句: wh-+was/ were +主语+V-ing 洁居翅闹瞅翼犊广殊森铀履瞪琉驱专媳粘淮璃千厢鹰嫩洛赘醛爵羹哭哼砖Unit8Grammar1Unit8Grammar1 Exercises: He was


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