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本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目:浅论《三国演义》詈言的类型和特色 院 系: 文学院 专业方向: 汉语言文学 年级班别:12本汉语言1班 学 号: 412170151 学生姓名: 成海琪 指导教师: 刘文兰 提交日期: 2016 年 4 月 内容摘要 《三国演义》是一部伟大的历史小说,也是一部令人赞口不绝的军事小说。在这本书里,恢弘的战争场面、典型的人物性格和雅俗共赏的语言更是为人不断的研究和称赞。但是,《三国演义》中还有值得探讨的价值点,那就是里面的詈言。小说中运用骂语的篇幅数不胜数,基本上每一篇上都会出现詈言,而且出于各色人物之口。对于《三国演义》中如此频繁的使用詈言,那詈言在文中又是起着何种作用?而那么多的詈言又能分为哪几种类型?还具有哪些特色?并且,《三国演义》中的詈言透露当时什么样的观念?从《三国演义》中分别观察詈言的类型、詈言所出的对象和詈骂的特色,对了解詈言文化和当时的一些观念有一些借鉴的意义。 关键字:三国演义;詈言类型;特色;意义 Abstract The Three Kingdoms is a historical novel is a very great, hes military novels. In this book, the grand war scenes, typical characters and tastes of the language is to study and constantly praise. However, There is worth exploring the value of the Three Kingdoms, which is the curse of the inside. The use of language in the novel called space beyond count, basically every one will appear at language, not only for the positive character of the mouth, the villain and vice versa. For the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in such a frequent use of abuse, so that the language in the text and what kind of role? And these can be divided into several types of abuse? These are some of the characteristics of what kind of? And, Three Kingdoms in the curse of the words revealed what kind of idea? From the Three Kingdoms, respectively, the observation of the type of the curse, the object and the characteristics of the curse of the language, the language of the culture and the culture of the time and some of the significance of reference. Keywords:?The romance of the Three Kingdoms; the type of the curse; the characteristic; the significance. 目 录 前言 1 一、《三国演义》中詈言的类型 2 (一)贬损、歧视的詈骂 2 1.战争前的对骂、叫骂的詈骂 2 2.侮辱、揭短性的詈骂 2 (二)宣誓,对违背伦理道德的詈骂 3 1.痛恨、厌恶不忠不义之士的骂语 3 2.责怪的骂语 3 3.立誓、宣告自己决定的骂语 3 (三)咒骂,神异色彩的詈骂 4 1.暗讽、嘲讽的詈骂 4 2.被戳中短处恼羞成怒的詈骂 4 3.恐吓、威逼的詈骂 4 二、《三国演义》中詈言的艺术特色 5 (一)清晰明了的表现不同阶层的文化素养。生动形象、精炼精确的表现了人物性格特性 5 (二)詈言大都以儒家正统或正义的立场而出,多凸显人物的“义” 6


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