ABSTRACT An Adaptive Stock Tracker for Personalized Trading Advice.pdf

ABSTRACT An Adaptive Stock Tracker for Personalized Trading Advice.pdf

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ABSTRACT An Adaptive Stock Tracker for Personalized Trading Advice

An Adaptive Stock Tracker for Personalized Trading Advice Jungsoon Yoo Computer Science Department Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, TN 37132 USA csyoojp@ Melinda Gervasio and Pat Langley Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise 2164 Staunton Court, Palo Alto, CA 94306 {gervasio, langley}@ ABSTRACT The Stock Tracker is an adaptive recommendation system for trading stocks that automatically acquires content-based models of user preferences to tailor its buy and sell advice. The system incorporates an efficient algorithm that exploits the fixed structure of user models and relies on unobtru- sive data-gathering techniques. In this paper, we describe our approach to personalized recommendation and its imple- mentation in this domain. We also discuss experiments that evaluate the system’s behavior on both human subjects and synthetic users. The results suggest that the Stock Tracker can rapidly adapt its advice to different types of users. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5 [Information Systems Applications]: Information Interfaces and Presentation General Terms Design, experimentation, human factors Keywords Adaptive user interfaces, machine learning, user modeling, personalization, information filtering 1. INTRODUCTION With the advent of the Internet, a wealth of information awaits anyone within the touch of a few keystrokes. Un- fortunately, the desired content is often buried in massive amounts of irrelevant information and each user must cull through the extraneous material. For example, online bro- kerage firms now let one check stock prices and make trans- actions through aWeb browser. With all the stocks available throughout the world, there are more opportunities to make or lose money, but only if one has the time and energy to follow those stocks. Tracking tens of thousands of stocks is beyond the capability of any single user. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is gran


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