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 周易研究 2007年第 6期(总第八十六期)  收稿日期:2007-07-21 作者简介:林明(1955-),男 ,山东栖霞人 ,山东大学法学院教授 ,研究方向为中国法律史;徐艳云(1976-),女 ,山东金乡师范学校 讲师。 《周易》古经“明德慎罚”观辨析 林 明1 ,徐艳云2 (1.山东大学 法学院,山东 济南 250100; 2.山东金乡师范学校 ,山东 金乡 272200)   摘要:“明德慎罚”是西周初年周公提出的重要法律思想。从《周易》古经中的类似表述来看 ,其已有明显的“明德慎罚” 观。“明德”思想反映在《恒》九三 、《益》九五等爻辞中;《临》卦中有对人民实施德教的内容。《周易》古经的“慎罚”观在西周 刑罚适用原则中也有体现。西周的“以德配天”、“明德慎罚”的法制思想后来深深扎根于中国传统政治和法律理论之中。研 究《周易》古经中“明德慎罚”的法律观 ,探究它所涉及的西周法制 ,不仅能为我们研究西周法制提供宝贵的史料 ,也能更好的 梳理商末周初法律思想的变化脉络 ,进一步印证这一思想对西周社会 、政治和法制的影响。 关键词:周易;西周法制;明德慎罚;刑罚原则 中图分类号:D909.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-3882(2007)06-0084-07 An analysis of the idea “enhancing untarnished virtue and punishing with discreet” in the Text of Zhouyi LIN Ming 1 , XU Yan-yun2 (1.Sch ool of Law , Shandon g Universi ty , Jinan 250100 , China) (2.Jinxiang Normal C ollege , Jinxiang 272200 , Chin a) Abstract:“ Enhancing untarnished v ir tue and punishing with discreet” put fo rw ard by Duke Zhou in the ea rly western Zhou dynasty , is an im po rtant idea of law .It conceives obviously the idea of “ enhancing unta rnished virtue and punishing w ith discreet” in the simila r statement of the Tex t of the Zhouyi.The idea of “enhancing untarnished virtue” is av ailable in the remarks appended to the third line of hexag ram Heng (the 32nd hexag ram in the receiv ed ver sion o f the Zhouy i)and the fifth line of hexag ram Y i (the 42nd hexagr am in the received ver- sion o f the Zhouy i);in the hexag ram Lin (the 19 th hexag ram in the received ver sion of the Zhouy i)there is content about cultiv ating people w ith vir tue.The idea of “ punishing w ith discreet” in the Text of Zhouy i w as expressed in the principle o f the punishment in the Western Zhou Dynasty.The thought o f“matching heaven with v ir tue” and “ enhancing untarnished vir tue and punishing with discreet” is ro oted in traditional Chinese po- litical and law theo ries.The resear ching of the law idea in the Tex t of Zhouy i and the r elated leg al sy stem in the Weste rn Zhou Dynasty , no t only pr ovides us precious


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