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Measure brand value to define business strategy 商標 / 品牌評估 Brand Valuation 1 商標 / 品牌評估背景及目的 Brand Valuation Background and Purposes Intangible assets are becoming more important to business operations 在過去的 20 年裡,無形資產正在對企業運營起著越來越重要的作用。現 in the past 20 years. It is now widespread acceptance that brand is 今,人們已廣泛接受這樣一個理念:品牌已經成為企業一項重要的無形 one of the intangible assets that plays an important role in generating 資產,並在締造和維持優異的財務業績方面起着舉足輕重的作用。品牌 and sustaining financial performance of businesses. Brand value has 價值在財務報表中變得越來越重要。 become more significant in financial reports. Why are brands valuable? 品牌為何有價值? Branding is the process of transforming functional assets into 品牌創造,就是通過在客戶與品牌之間建立一種心理聯繫來實現把功能 relationship assets by providing the basis for a psychological connection 性資產轉換成關聯式資產的過程。這種心理聯繫的建立,使得品牌背後 between the brand and the customer. This ability to provide a product, 的某種產品或服務,或甚至整家公司的形象都能夠給客戶一種強烈的心 a service or a company with an emotional impact over and above its 理衝擊,並使它們在客戶心目中早已超出其使用價值。這就是品牌價值 functional value is an important source of value creation. It would be 創造的一個重要來源。一項精心策劃的品牌投資,應當包括對品牌進行 wise for a well-planned brand investment to comprise a brand valuation 價值評估,以驗證其投資是否有效。如今,品牌已經在創造企業優異的 to justify investment efficiency. Nowadays, brands play a significant role 財務業績方面發揮了非常重要的作用,並且人們越來越需要將品牌資產 in financial performance of business and there is an increasing need to 賦予價值。 assign values to these assets. Reasons for valuing brand 品牌評估的理由 From a financial perspective 從財務的角度 ? Compliance with accounting standards ? 遵守會計準則 ? Assisting mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring


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