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标题(居中,二号黑体,一般在20字以内)( 作者1,作者2(四号楷体) (1. 学校和院系,省市 邮编;2. 单位全称,省市 邮编)(五号楷体,单位全称,非省会城市前加省名) 摘要:简要说明论文研究工作的主要内容、研究目的、采用方法和主要结论。“摘要”两字宜用小五号黑体,摘要内容宜用小五号仿宋体,不用第一人称做主语,一般为250~400字左右。 关键词:关键词1(该文内容所属二级学科名称);关键词2;关键词3;关键词4;如有需要,第5及其后的关键词是有利于检索的其他关键词。 中图分类号: 文献标识码: A 以下紧接英文题目、作者姓名及所在单位的英译文、摘要和关键词的英译文,全部使用Times New Roman: Indirect Computing Model with Indirect Formal Method (与中文题目对应,三号,粗体,除题目的第1个字母及专有名词的第1个字母用大写之外,其余第1个字母用小写,字体五号) ZOU Xiaohui1,2,3 ZOU Shunpeng1 (姓在前,全用大写,名第1个字母用大写,其余为小写,字号五号) 1(China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Institute of Higher Education, Beijing 100083,China) 2(Engineering Institute of Synergy Culture Gene, Tsinghua Science Park, Zhuhai 519000,China) 3(Sino-US Project:UC Berkeley Searle Research Bilingual Information Processing Research Group) (单位:Times New Roman,五号,居中,单位及其所在城市名用斜体,邮编除外。) 【Abstract 】 This paper discusses indirect computing model with indirect formal method which is supported by an alternative combines cloud computing principles, through the perspective of the collaborative intelligent computing systems formed by human-computer interface and collaborative computing processing. The author focuses on indirect computing model with indirect formal method which is according to the theoretical assumptions of previous research on the mainstream paradigm of general-purpose digital computer based on by that systematic review of the theory of Turing computability, the formal theory of string (computer science) with Kleene star, von Neumann architecture of computer and the Turing test to determine wither or not the artificial intelligence can be viewed. And the author uses the design model which can process both large and small strings compatible with the indirect formal theory, and the design prototype which takes Chinese information data processing as an example of collaborative intelligence computing system. The meaning is that the results benefit from the data center to optimize the cloud computing knowledge cent



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