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江阴职业技术学院 毕业论文 课 题: 基于Web的毕业设计质量管理系统的设计与实现 专 题: 专 业: 计算机信息管理 学 生 姓 名: 陆丹娟 班 组: 2006信息管理 学 号: 20060803139 指 导 教 师: 吴懋刚 完 成 时 间: 2009年01月05日 摘 要 随着计算机网络和Internet的普及,运用先进的管理信息系统及软件开发平台,对信息进行科学化和网络化管理,己经成为高校信息系统的发展趋势。然而目前,在高校教学管理,尤其是毕业设计质量管理方面,还缺乏有效的网络化信息管理。因此,基于Web的毕业设计质量管理系统的开发无疑为开展和管理毕业设计工作提供了极大的便利。 该课题是江阴职业技术学院科研课题《高校教务管理系统》的子课题——“毕业设计质量管理系统”。本系统是为解决毕业生在毕业设计管理过程中遇到的工作效率低、交互性差、选题及质量管理不可控等问题而设计的。利用Microsoft Visual Studio、SQL Server数据库等开发平台,构建了“基于Web的毕业设计质量管理系统”,为高校毕业设计的管理和参加毕业设计的师生提供了一个良好的信息平台。 关键词:ASP.NET;Web;毕业设计;质量管理 Abstract With the development of network technology and the prevalence of Internet, managing the campus information using advanced MIS technology and software development platforms has become the latest trend sweeping the university management architectures. However, there is, in the management of higher education, especially in the design of the quality of management graduates, but also the lack of an effective network-based information management. Therefore, the design and realization of quality management system on the graduation project has undoubtedly carried out the design and management of school facilities to provide a great deal. This subject, Graduation Project Quality Management System, is the sub-topics of scientific research subject Educational Management System in Jiangyin Polytechnic College. This system is to address the graduates in the graduation project management process encountered a low efficiency, poor interactivity, choice and quality management issues such as non-controllable designed. The design of the use of Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server database development platform to build a Web-based MIS of graduation project, designed for college graduates to participate in the management and the teachers and students graduating from the design provided a net palm for graduation project. Keywords: ASP.NET; Web; graduation project; quality manageme


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