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生活方式干预对肥胖相关的炎症反应的改善作用 崔世维,杨建军,朱晓晖 (南通大学附属医院,江苏 南通 226001) 【摘要】脂肪组织具有旺盛的内分泌功能。肥胖时脂肪组织分泌的脂肪因子有部分是炎症因子,这些炎症因子引起体内低度慢性炎症反应并参与体内多种代谢活动,导致机体代谢紊乱,产生过多脂肪相关性代谢病(EFRMD),尤其是与胰岛素抵抗的发生等密切相关。包括饮食、运动、生活习惯、思维和行为方式在内的生活方式干预不仅对肥胖本身而且对肥胖相关的炎症反应都有明显的改善作用,而且这些干预方式对改善代谢和炎症指标的作用远远超过了减肥本身的功效。本文将近几年来的生活方式干预对肥胖相关的炎症反应改善作用的研究进展综述如下。 【关键词】生活干预;肥胖;炎症 Life style intervention on improvement of obesity related inflammation CUI Shi-wei, Yang Jian-jun,Zhu Xiao-hui Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong 226001, China 【Abstract】Fat tissue has intense incretion function. While obesity, fat tissue secretes inflammation factors. These factors result in low-grade chronic inflammation response and participate in many metabolizing changes. Obesity has been thought to have close relation with many diseases, such as insulin resistance and excessive fat related metabolic diseases (EFRMD). Life style interventions on treatment of the obesity patients include diet and nutrition, exercise, life custom, thinking and behavior manner, and recording the life diary etc. These interventions are advantageous to establish the healthy dietetic and exercise habit and reduce the adverse effect of the treatment in obesity patients. Life style interventions, such as hypocaloric diet and physical exercise, may have favorable effects upon fat lipogenesis and fat distribution, nutrient metabolism and adipose tissue factors involved in metabolic processes and inflammation response. So life style intervention can improve not only the obesity but also the inflammation response correlative with the obesity. In some cases, life style intervention can affect metabolic and inflammation parameters independently of weight loss alone, suggesting that life style intervention has more benefit for improving metabolic processes and inflammation response than weight reduction. In this paper we will introduce the work abroad up to date and how to help the obese people develop a healthy lifestyle so as to establish the healthy dietet


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