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土壤中铬的形态分析 XXX (资源与环境学院 XXX大学 西安 陕西 710021) 摘要:目前,重金属污染与日俱增,严重危害了人们的日常生活和身体健康。铬 是众多重金属中存在比较广泛的危害性较强的一种,铬在环境中通常有以正三价 和正六价的形态存在,Cr(Ⅲ)毒性小,不易迁移,而铬(VI)毒性大,容易被人 体吸收,可通过食物链在生物体内富集,且不能被微生物分解,是一种公认的致 癌致突变物质。铬是迁移性污染物,进入环境后,容易导致土壤和地下水的污染, 因此,研究铬在土壤中的迁移转化是很有必要的。本文阐述了铬在土壤中的存在形态及转化,揭示不同性质土壤中镉的形态特征及其影响因素,对准确地评价土壤健康质量,进行土壤的环境保护和土壤镉污染防治有着积极的意义。 关键词:铬 土壤性质 化学形态 迁移转化 Speciation analysis of chromium in soil XXX (institute of resources and environment Shan’xi university of science and technology, xi an shan’xi 710021) Abstract: at present, the heavy metal pollution, serious damage to Peoples Daily life and health. chromium.Is among the dangers of heavy metals exist in the more extensive the stronger one, usually with trivalent chromium in environment.And is form of hexavalent Cr (Ⅲ) toxicity is small, not easy migration, and toxicity of chromium (VI) is big, easy to people.Body to absorb, can through the food chain in the biological enrichment, and cannot be microbes, is a recognized.Cancer mutagenic substances. Chromium is the migration of pollutants, after entering the environment, easily lead to soil and groundwater pollution,Therefore, study the transition and transformation of chromium in soil, it is very necessary. This article analyzed the existing form and transformation of chromium in the soil, to reveal the morphological characteristics of cadmium in the soil with different properties and its influencing factors, and to accurately evaluate the quality of soil health, soil environmental protection and soil cadmium pollution prevention is of positive significance. Key words: chromium The soil properties Chemical form Migration into 引言: 环境科学研究表明,土壤中重金属对食物链和水体的污染都与重金属在土壤中的形态密切相关,元素对环境或生物体产生的效应或毒性在很大程度上是取决于其???形态含量,而不是总浓度。因此重金属的形态分析越来越受到研究人员的重视镉在土壤中的赋存状况、形态不仅与元素本身性质和含量有关,还决定于其存在的自然地理条件,土壤类型及其性质、土壤组成成分( 如有机质、黏土矿物、锰铁铝氧化物、碳酸盐和微生物等) 、土壤环境条件( 如 PH、Eh、CEC) 等.吸附解吸、沉淀溶解、配位、离子交换、矿物核晶过程、生物的迁移与滞留等是控制土壤中金属形态分配的主要反应。 铬的性质及形态分类 铬(VI)有致癌作用,而铬(Ⅲ)则是人体必需的微量元素。土壤中可溶性铬毒害作用较不溶性铬迅速。土壤中的铬主要是3价和


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