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育明教育孙老师、夏老师为大家整理了全国各高校翻译硕士历年考研真题及解 析,重难点、考点笔记,最全、最完整版,来育明,赠送真题、免费答疑 2016 年考研翻译硕士热词解析:中国梦 考研中,每年都会有一些热词、重点词,这些词语无疑也是需要我们要特别注意的,小编 为大家整理考研热词解析,帮助大家备考并祝大家考上理想的学校。 中国梦,是这两年国内最流行的词语,官方翻译“China Dream”。 “中国梦”的出处: When Xi Jinping was inaugurated as China’s President during the National People’ s Congress, he gave a speech on “the Chinese Dream”, according to People’s Daily: 习近平在全国两会上就职国家主席时,发表了一篇关于“中国梦”的演讲。根据人民日报 的报道: “To achieve a comprehensively well-off society, to build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, and harmonious modern socialist country and to attain the Chinese dream of the great renaissance of the Chinese nation is to achieve prosperity, revitalize the nation, and bring about the happiness of the people…” “实现全面建成小康社会、建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家的奋斗目标,实 现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,就是要实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福……” 中国梦的概念英语介绍: China Dream is a phrase appearing during and after establishment of the new Chinese leadership in 2012-2013 used by the government and journalists in the People‘s Republic of China to describe the aspiration of self-improvement in Chinese society. 中国梦这个词语是继中国新一届中央领导集体成立后在政府和媒体中频繁使用的一个词 语,它用来激励在中国社会中实现自我提高的那些人。 The concept of China Dream is very similar to the idea of “American Dream”. It stresses the importance of entrepreneurial spirit. It also glorifies a generation of self-made men and women in post-reform China,such as those rural immigrates who moved to the urban centers and achieve magnificent improvement for improving their living standards. China Dream can be interpreted as the collective consciousness of Chinese people during the era of social transformation and economic progress. 中国梦和美国梦在观念上具有很大的相似性,都强调艰苦奋斗的精神。中国梦也同时赞美 在改革开放后自力更生的一代人,例如很多农村人为了更好的生活移居到城市中去谋发展。中 国梦也被用来解释为中国人在社会转型 和经济变革后的一种集体意识。 中国梦到底应该翻译成 China Dream 还是 Chinese Dream? “中国梦”是当今最重要的一个话题,然而它的英文翻译十分混乱,有的翻译成“China Dream”,有的则是“Chinese Dream”。而且第一种译法明显占上风,各大媒体、宣传广告、 甚至官方的同声翻译都用的是“China Dream”,然而正确的翻译应该是“Chinese Dream”。 理由陈述如下: 一、“China”是个国家概念,“Chinese”是个民族概念。“中国梦”的经典定义是“民 族振兴”和“伟大民族的复兴”,它是攸关普天之下


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