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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料 GMAT写作快速分析逻辑错误之样本数量-智课教育 GMAT写作快速分析逻辑错误之样本数量 本节课的主要内容是GMAT写作常见逻辑错误中的样本数量,教会 考生如何高效备考GMAT写作并获得理想的成绩,GMAT写作快速分析 逻辑错误之样本数量,快和小编一起去学习一下吧。 The following appeared in a memorandum from the director of research and development at Ready-to-Ware, a software engineering firm. The package of benefits and incentives that Ready-to-Ware offers to professional staff is too costly. Our quarterly profits have declined since the package was introduced two years ago, at the time of our incorporation. Moreover, the package had little positive effect, as we have had only marginal success in recruiting and training high-quality professional staff. To become more profitable again, Ready-to-Ware should, therefore, offer the reduced benefits package that was in place two years ago and use the savings to fund our current research and development initiatives. Discuss how well reasoned ... etc. 逻辑错误分析: 1. 同时性因果关系 1)主题句:The causal relationship between benefit and package given to the professional staff and the decline of the profit is not guaranteed by the coincidence that the latter occurred just after the former. Other factors that may contribute to the decline in the profit should also be considered and ruled out. 2)论据:同时发生并不代表因果,忽略它因,比如题干中的incorp oration? 2. 错误类比(纵向) 1)主题句:The statistics two years ago does not necessarily denote the future trend. 2)论据:两年前的状况不能推到现在。 段落间的连接: 两个逻辑错误 1. 同时性因果关系》效益和package一定有因果关系? 2. 错误类比(纵向)》两年前的状况和现在一样? 即使: 1. 即使效益的下降和引进package有关,那么两年前的事件也不能 推到两年后的现在。 The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper: Hippocrene Plumbing Supply recently opened a wholesale outlet in the location once occupied by the Cumquat Cafe. Hippocrene has apparently been quite successful there because it is planning to open a large outlet in a nearby city. But the Cumquat Cafe, one year after moving to its new location, has seen its volume of business drop somewhat from the previous years. Clearly, the former site was the better


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