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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料 GMAT句子改错之连词,标点和量词考点解析-智课教 育 快速突破“句子改错”标点 GMAT语法的知识点可能还会考察一些比较细节的知识点,比如连 词,标点和量词。这几个小知识点也是大部分考生容易忽略的。其实连 词可以帮助我们分析句子的逻辑结构,标点可以有助于句子的修饰成分 分析,量词也会被分为修饰可数名词和不可数名词之分。本文就给大家 介绍下GMAT句子改错之连词,标点和量词考点解析。 一、连词:并列连词与从属连词。 1、并列连词:For,and,nor,but,or,yet,so and是最重要的平行连词,在GMAT考试中,当我们遇到and的时候,考 虑到两种可能,一种是”平行结构”,一种是”平行连词连接主句”,GMA T经常会把二者混用,把一个主句和句子的一部分连接起来,这就错误的要 注意. 2、从属连词:although,because,before,after,since,wh en,if,unless,that,though,while. 从属连词引导一个从属句,必须要依附一个主句,中间用逗号隔开 例1: The term”Eureka”.meaning “I have found it”in ancient Greek and famously uttered by Archimedes ,and ever since then,scientists have exclaimed the same word upon making important discoveries. 改成: The term”Eureka”.meaning “I have found it”in ancient Greek ,was famously uttered by Archimedes,and ever since then,scientists have exclaimed the same word upon making important discoveries. 注意:主谓结构和主谓结构两个句子平行。 例2: She is not interested in sports ,and she likes watching them on TV. 逻辑意思错误 改成1:She is not interested in sports ,BUT she likes watching them on TV. (转折关系) 改成2: Although she is not interested in sports ,she likes watching them on TV. (让步从句,也表示转折关系) 例3:Although I need to relax ,yet I have so many things to do. 改成1:Although I need to relax ,I have so many things to do. 改成2:I need to relax ,yet I have so many things to do. 总结:连词的使用必须符合逻辑意思,一次只能出现一个连词,不 能同时使用两个连词。 例4: Citizens of many countries are expressing concern about the environmental damage caused by the widespread release of greenhouse gases may be impossible to reverse.这句话的主句应该是” Citizens of many countries are expressing concern about the environmental damage caused by the widespread release of greenhouse gases”但后面的may be 却是个没有主语的谓语动词,看似它的主语应该是environmental gases ,但它不能即作宾语又做主语,因此这里要加上that,让后面的部分变为一 个从属句, 改成 :Citizens of many countries are expressing concern that the environmental damage caused by the widespread release of greenhouse gases may be impossible to reverse. 二、标点:逗号,分号,冒号,破折号。 1、逗号使用方法: 当同一个主语发出两个动作,用and不用逗号,如果有逗号,修改 方法有两种: 1)把


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