Happiness and wealth Money can’t.pdf

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Happiness and wealth Money can’t

高端婚庆资料下载,直接加微信号:xnt-cc 或 /E3l7Up 限前 100名免费 Happiness and wealth: Money can’t buy me love 发布时间:2012-06-15 通过扫描以下微信二维码,或者直接加微信号:xnt-cc 你就能获得喜庆资料 XNT 喜娘通 高端婚庆资料下载中心(限前 100 名) 或者在这里可以找到高端婚庆资料 前 100 名是免费的 (100 名以后关闭下载通道) /E3l7Up 文章出自:经济学人 原文链接 高端婚庆资料下载,直接加微信号:xnt-cc 或 /E3l7Up 限前 100名免费 “ADMIRABLE indeed” is how Confucius described a man who, though living in a mean, narrow street with only a single bamboo dish to eat from, “did not allow his joy to be affected.” The relationship between happiness and wealth remains a concern for China’s rulers today. Their working assumption has long been that their grip on power depends on keeping people happy. And that, they reckon, depends on nothing so much as their continued ability to preside over rapid economic growth. They have managed this for decades, but in recent years inequality has grown more extreme and, despite plenty of success stories (see article), unrest is common. By some counts, as many as 500 protests occur every day across the country. All this has fed fears that economic growth alone might not be enough and that the government needs urgently to improve the distribution of the nation’s growing wealth. Two recent academic studies suggest reality is rather more complicated. One of them, published in May, tracked how content a segment of mainly urban people said they were between 1990 and 2010, a period during which output and consumption per person increased at least fourfold. Researchers, led by Richard Easterlin of the University of Southern California, an eminent “happiness scholar”, wrote that China was ideal for testing expectations of a correlation between economic growth and well-being. But what they found was “no evidence of a marked increase in life satisfaction” to match the rise in prosperity during that period. The other study—“Myth of the Social Volcano: Perceptions of Inequality and Distributive Injustice in Contemporary China”—was prepared by Martin Whyt


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