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   双元音音标(I)主讲:黄冈优秀英语教师 周雪梅一、Revision1.复习五个后元音音标的发音:2.朗读下列短语:fast car        a dark hall      heart transplant      a large parka short story      talk horse      more or less        four ballscotton socks      borrow a clock    a pocket watch       hot coffeea tooth for a tooth   at noon        too good to be true     choose twogood cook        full of wool     look at the foot      push the wood3.朗读下列句子:(1)Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.(2)Do not pour the water on the floor.(3)He got a job in the printing shop.(4)Use a ruler as you do at school.(5)The bush was full of good wood.二、双元音音标:1.发音时,由/e/向/I/快速滑动,发音过程中下颚向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍抬高。① 发音的字母与字母组合:a:late     same    place    snakeai:mail    wait    train    aimay:play    say     pay     bayeigh:weight  eight   height ② 读短语和句子:hate to be late     讨厌迟到in the sameway     以同样的方式make a mistake     犯了一个错误No pains, no gains. 没有付出,就没有收获。Call a spade a spade. 直言不讳,有啥说啥。他成名于20世纪80年代末。Can you stay and play another game?你能留下来再玩个游戏吗?③ 模仿下列歌谣。Rainrain, go away.   雨,雨,走开。I want a sunny day.   我想要一个晴天。Rainrain, go away.   雨,雨,走开。Little puppy wants to play.  小狗儿想去玩。2.发音时,由向/I/快速滑动,和普通话“啊”相似,但舌位更靠前,发音清晰,持续时间稍长。① 发音的字母与字母组合:i:nice     bike   time     tigery:why      by     cry      tryie:die     pie    lie      tieigh:night   light   sight    fight② 读短语和句子:mylife  我的生活brightsunshine  明媚的阳光ride a bike  骑自行车arrive at nine  九点钟抵达Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。I drove fivemiles with Mike on Fridaynight.周五晚上我和迈克开车开了五英里。The kite is flyinghigh in the sky.风筝高高地飞在空中。③ 模仿下列歌谣。Bikebike, ride. 自行车,自行车,骑呀骑。Kitekite, fly. 风筝,风筝,飞呀飞。Nightnight, light. 黑夜,黑夜,需要光。Lightlight, bright. 灯光,灯光,好明亮。3.发时,首先发单元音//,在//的基础上将口型略为收缩,由单元音//很自然地过渡到单元音/I/。双唇逐渐由圆变扁,口型由开到合。① 发音的字母与字母组合:oi:oil    soil   coin     voiceoy:toy    joy    enjoy    destroy② 读短语和句子:boiledoil     熟油an annoyingboy  一个讨厌的男孩Boys will be boys. 孩子总归是孩子。I enjoy the boy’svoice.我喜欢听这男孩的声音。③ 模仿下列歌谣。Boys, boys, boys.     男孩们,男孩们,男孩们。Don’t make noise!  


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