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28. turn to 求助于;转向 * * 例:Modesty is one of his good qualities. 谦虚是他的美德之一。 1. quality n. 品质(用于人) 4. generous adj. ①. 慷慨的, 大方的[(+with/in/to)] She is generous in giving help. 她乐于助人。 He was generous to everybody with money. 他在金钱上对每个人都很大方。 6. devoted adj. 1. be devoted to doing… 专心致志于… He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. 他仍专心研究化学。 [拓展] devote的用法 阅读下列句子,注意devote的意思及用法。 1. He devoted all his time to his job. 2. He devoted himself to writing. 8. found vt. 1. 建立; 建造 The pilgrims founded a colony in Plymouth. 清教徒们在普利茅斯创建了一个殖民地。 2. 创立, 创办 They founded a college. 他们创办了一所大学。 He won’t give up the experiment even if he has failed many times. His father has given up smoking. She gave up her job to look after her mother. 10. give up + n./ pron./ v-ing 只能接动名词作宾语的动词 avoid, consider, dislike, enjoy, excuse, finish, imagine, mind, miss, suggest, stop, feel like, give up, can’t help, can’t stand Do not talk (in) that way. (In) this way, you can remember the spelling. He is better in some way (s). He picked a pen on the way to school. 11. in a peaceful way 以和平的方式 那样 这样 在某些方面 在往…的路上 12. fight against/for/with The soldiers fought bravely _______ the enemy ___ the liberation ____ their comrades. against for with 13. be…away有…远(指距离、时间) 1) 我家离这里只有两条街。 My house is only 2 blocks away from here. 15. be out of work/job = lose one’s job 失业, 没有工作 His mother has been out of work for half a year. in work 有工作 Is her husband in work? out of 意为“在…之外”,“向…外”;表示失去, 没有, 用完; 不再处于某种状况。反义词为into或in。 ① The little boy ran out of the room. ② He took my books out of my schoolbag. ③ Don’t run into the room. out of breath 上气不接下气 out of control 失控了 out of danger 脱离危险了 out of date 过时 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见, 心不烦。 16. as … as+主语+can/could 尽可能, 尽量 He was running as fast as he could. 你必须尽可能多说英语。 You must speak English as often as you can. 17. “The last thirty years have seen the greatest


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