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the Council’s provisional rules of procedure安理会暂行议事规则(closed) meeting (闭门)会议Official communiqué正式公报Held in private非公开举行was issued through the Secretary General in place of a verbatim record已通过秘书长发表, 以代替逐字记录:sections A and B of resolution 1353 (2001)依照第 1353(2001)号决议附件 A 和 B 节的规定troop- and police-contributing countries to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. 联合国脱离接触观察员部队的部队和警察派遣国Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations主管维持和平行 动副秘书长participate in the meeting出席会议 参加会议briefing情况通报representatives of participating contributing countries与会派遣国代表United Nations Support Mission in Libya联合国利比亚支助团its consideration of the item on its agenda. 审议其议程上的项目Members of the Council have before them document S/2016/1048安理会成员面前有文件S/2016/1048which contains the text of a draft resolution submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 其中载有 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国提交的一项决议草案 案文is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before it. 准备就其面前的决议草案进行表决I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now我 现在将该决议草案付诸表决we must recall that我们必须指出during the discussions on its elaboration在讨论该决议的起草工 作中we strongly favoured我们坚决赞成in the light of the weak political dynamics in terms of the country’s development鉴于该国发展方面的 政治态势无力optimal time frame最佳时限insufficient effectiveness of the work工作效力不 足unclear prospects for its return to the country该特派团返回该国的前景不明朗opinion was not heeded这一意见未 被采纳the desire of certain Security Council members to paint an unjustifiably optimistic picture of the situation in Libya. 某些安理会成员迫切 想过分乐观地描绘利比亚局势,the unanimous adoption of resolution 2323 (2016) today, which renews the mandate of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya延长联合国利比亚支助团(联利 支助团)任务期限的第2323(2016)号决议今天获 得一致通过It sends a strong signal of Security Council unity and commitment to resolving the situation in Libya这发出了一个安理会团结一致并致力 于解决利比亚局势的强烈信号As the penholder on this issue, I want to thank all Council members for their support today作为有关这一问题 的执笔者,我要感谢安理会所有成员今天提供了支 持。This is a vital renewal at


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