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Advances in Social Sciences 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(1), 15-21 Published Online March 2016 in Hans. /journal/ass /10.12677/ass.2016.51003 文章引用: 王宇超. 中国社会保障制度的价值理念研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(1): 15-21. /10.12677/ass.2016.51003 The Research on the Value Choice of Chinese Social Security —Based on the Theory of Fairness and Efficiency Yuchao Wang Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun Jilin Received: Feb. 14th, 2016; accepted: Feb. 26th, 2016; published: Mar. 2nd, 2016 Copyright ? 2016 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Throughout the course of development of the modern social security, it is not difficult to find that social security just emphasizes economic efficiency at the beginning and it is regarded as a tool to maintain the ruling class. With the growing awareness of fairness, to maintain a fair degree of con- tinuous improvement, social security became a burden of the social economy. Then government began to cut social welfare and enhance the efficiency. This process is always accompanied by the value selection of the equity and efficiency. On the understanding of the relationship between fairness and efficiency, there are three points. Firstly, fairness and efficiency are mutually contra- dictory, and they cannot be achieved at the same time; any part’s enhancing will lead to the other enhanced weakening. Secondly, fairness and efficiency are unified. There is no fundamental con- tradiction, because it helps to improve efficiency to achieve fairness, and efficiency provides the material basis of fairness. They are in a state of dynamic equilibrium, and the specific social back- ground decides which priority is. Lastly, fairness and efficiency are the ends of the scale. You must try the two, and it is unfair to trend to anyone. The author believes that in the rise of society, t


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