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Module10 On the radio Unit3 Language in use;Where are they?;What’s her job?;What is she doing?;Are you interested in their job?;1. I hope that you can join us one day. 2. When it’s on, it means we’re on air. 3. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 4. Just tell me what you had for breakfast.;1. The listeners tell us … 2. They were happy to know … 3. He asked … 4. Did they know … 5. Have you heard …;1. The listeners tell us what they want to hear. 2. They were happy to know that they won the first prize last week. 3. He asked when she came into this room. 4. Did they know that he will come/ what he was doing at that time? 5. Have you heard that he will come/ what he was doing at that time? ;Complete the conversation with the words in the box.;how if that when who why;Read the conversation in Activity 2 again and complete Damings diary.;Complete the passage with the correct form of the expressions in the box.;be on air in person make noise show you around the end of;Listen and say what Kates job is.;Listen again and complete Kates timetable.;10 am;Read the interview.;Listen and complete the notes.;Opinions To become successful, you need to (4) _______________. It is also important to (5) ______________.;Around the world;Electricity and batteries are expensive and hard to get in some parts of Africa, so he developed a clever radio that works without batteries or electricity. The clockwork or wind-up radio, first made in South Africa in the 1990s, changed the lives of many African people. ;Even in tiny villages which had no electricity or other forms of communication, people began to listen to the radio, not only for entertainment, but to educate themselves too.;Work in groups. Decide what to include in your school radio programme.;Write each section of the programme.;Do your school radio programme. Try to record it if possible.;Present your radio progr


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