
语言学 chapter 3 总结.doc

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Chapter 3 Lexicon 3.1 What is Word? As different criteria may identity and define different phenomena, it is hard to define “word” scientifically. However, it is agreed that there are three ways of defining “word”, though they can’t cover everything .3.11 Three Senses of “WORD” reference: 指称论(the relationship between symbols and the things in outside world that refers to) Sense: 词与词的关系(use other words to explain a word, just as we look up the dictionary to find the meaning of a word) (1)A physical definable unit Language is produced as a continuous stretch of speech or writing, but one can still pauses and blanks every now and then. Thus, word maybe seen as a set of sound segments or writing letters between two pauses or blanks. For example: It is wonderful. Phonological: /it is wand?ful/ Orthographic: it’s wonderful (2) Word both as a general term and as a specific term Word may be used both as a general term (then boy and boys are just one word) and as specific terms ( boys and boy are two words). For example: Write/writes/wtote/writing/written (3) A grammatical unit The grammar of a language contains a set of layers, and word is one of them. ( rank-----hierarchical scale 等级) Clause complex---clause---phrase/ word group---word---morpheme 3.1.2 Identification of words (1) Stability: A word can’t be rearranged, but a sentence can. Word: nothingness **nessnothing(F) Sentence: a. John is a clever boy b. A clever boy John is (2) Relative uninterruptibility: A word can’t be separates or inserted with other elements, but a sentence can. Word: disappointment *dis(#)appoint(#)ment Sentence: Paul, (Jane) and Rebecca are my classmates. (3) A minimum free form: Word is the smallest unit that can be used, by itself, as a complete utterance. Expression: ---Is Jane coming this evening? --- Possibly Exception: ----what is missing in a sentence such as ”Dog is barking ” ----- A 3.1.3 Classification of Word (1) Variable and invariab


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