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Unit Five The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family, Part I;II. Relevant Information;Paragraph 1 ingrained: fixed so firmly and deeply that it is difficult to remove 极深的, 根深蒂固的 E.g.: an ingrained habit / belief / prejudice 固习(积习)/深刻信念 / 根深蒂固的偏见 Singapore is a young nation where the family concept is deeply ingrained.? 新加坡一个家庭观念根深蒂固的年轻国家. ;attain: succeed in getting something, especially after some effort获得; 达到 E.g.: He attained his hopes after much hard work. Mr. Jones attain the position of minister.? 琼斯先生登上了部长的宝座。 A man of attainments is one who has achieved a great deal. (有造诣的人) ;…a period that has seen…ordinary part of daily life. The television set has become so important in family life that its possession is guaranteed by law. Even when a person is in debt, it cannot be taken away from him by whomever he owes a debt. ;afflict: cause to suffer in the body or mind; trouble 使苦恼, 痛苦, 折磨 E.g.: John is afflicted with a chronic headache. Environmental pollution is afflicting many countries. ;preposterous: so strange as to be unlikely; absurd 荒谬的 E.g.: The suggestion that all wild animals must be tamed is preposterous. It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon. 用茶匙铲煤 是荒谬的。 ;Splinter: very small sharp piece of wood, glass, metal, etc, characteristically long and thin, broken off from a whole ;裂片, 碎片; 尖片 to break or be broken off in small sharp fragments使分裂, (使)破裂 EG., I have a splinter in my finger.? 我的手指上扎着一根刺. The wave smashed the boat against the rock, splinter it to pieces.? 浪头把船冲向岩石,撞成碎片。 ;Paragraph 8 ameliorate: make or become better or less bad; improve 改善, 改良 E.g.: Various means are taken to ameliorate the situation. They are trying to ameliorate working conditions ;Paraphrase Television is not merely…the important influence in children’s lives today. Television is not simply just one among many important factors that may influence a child today. It has brought about great changes in family life, playing the domi


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