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九年级UNIT6整个单元的课件;3b;HongTao has made some great movies____ ___ ____. Yellow River Fisherman is his ______movie. If you are _____ ___entertainment, you can watch it. It is too long and boring. But it _____ ______a few good features. Amy Kim is ___ ___ ___ __________Chinese photographers. Some of her most famous photos are ___ _______in this exhibition. She really ___ ________ ___everyone. But the few city photographs are___ ___________. They don’t ________me as much. But this is a great show from a ______ photographer. ________you do, don’t miss this exhibition. ;____ ___ ____, we’ve seen ________ _____with pretty strange names come and go. Few have ______names than this band. As the name________, the band has lots of energy. And they play the kind of ______that I love to hear. Every song is ______loud and you often can’t understand the words, but this is _______because the ______aren’t very good. However, these are musicians who ___ ___ _______-even on a Monday morning!;How to write a review of a book, a CD, or a movie? A review should contain four parts: (1) The name of the book, the CD or the movie. (2)What you like and the reason. (3)What you dislike and the reason. (4)What it reminds you of;Model:;4;Writing;Latest movie, Hong Tao, made great movies, Unfortunately, looking for, Yellow River Fisherman, does have, thought Be sure to, one of the best known, are on diplay, has something for, many great photos of, city photographs, the same things, a great show, whatever Over the years, musical groups, stranger names, lots of energy, play the kind of music, Really loud, can’t understand, okay because, musicians who, ;Writing;I like music that I can dance to.;下沉 黄河 渔民 最近的 娱乐 特点 美术馆 摄影 摄影师 展览 展览;HongTao has made some great movies____ ___ ____. Yellow River Fisherman is his ______movie. If you are _____ ___entertainment, you can watch it. It is too long and boring. But it _____ ______a few good features. Amy Kim is ___ ___ ___ __________Chinese photographers. Som


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