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PAGE 1 PAGE 1 题 目 程序在线评测系统 题 目 程序在线评测系统 姓 名 学 号 所在学院 年级专业 指导教师 ** 职称 讲师 完成时间 2011 年 月 日 综合评定成绩: 指导教师评语: 评定成绩: 指导教师签名: 日期: 答辩小组意见: 评定成绩: 答辩小组长签名: 日期: PAGE 1 PAGE 9 程序在线评测系统 ——后台评测模块 摘 要:ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛,是一项旨在展示大学生创新能力、团队精神和在压力下编写程序、分析和解决问题能力的年度竞赛。经过近30多年的发展,ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛已经发展成为最具影响力的大学生计算机竞赛。随着其发展,各高校也越来越重视这项竞赛,广东外语外贸大学的程序在线评测系统也应运而生。在这个平台中,用户只需要提交他们的代码,系统就可以自动地为其程序做出相应的评测,并且返回相应的评测结果。通过这个平台,用户不但可以巩固学科知识,也可以大大提高代码的实践能力。 后台评测模块主要负责对用户提交的源程序进行编译,运行,得到是评测结果再反馈给用户。 关键词:在线评测,程序设计,ACM Online Judge System ——Background Judge Module Cheng Jin Yu School of Informatics Abstract: ACM international collegiate programming contest, is an annual competition that aims at showing their abilitities of innovation, teamwork, programming under pressure, analysing and solving problems. Through more than 30 years’ development, it has become the most influential computing contest for college students and been taken more seriously by many higher eduction universities and colleges, so there comes the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Online Judge. System which can provide great convenience for programming lovers and students. Users only need to submit their code, then the system can automatically make the appropriate evaluation of its procedures, and returns the corresponding evaluation results. Wiht this platform, users can not only consolidate the academic knowledge, but also can greatly improve the ability of pratical programming. Background judge module is mainly responsible for a user to submit the source code to compile, run, and return the judge result to the user. Key words: Online judge, Programming, ACM 目 录  TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc262210866 摘 要  PAGEREF _Toc262210866 \h I  HYPERLINK \l _Toc262210867 Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc262210867 \h II  HYPERLINK \l _Toc262210868 第一章 绪论  PAGEREF _Toc262210868 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc262210869 1.1 课题的背景、研究意义  PA



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