剑桥商务英语教程unit3 Companies.ppt

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剑桥商务英语教程unit3 Companies

Unit 3 Companies;Outline ;3.1 Describing a company;How to describe your company?;The basic information ;Company name?– The official name of your business as registered注册 in the state where you do business. Type of business structure?– Sole proprietorship [pr?‘prai?t?,?ip]独资 , LLC(Limited Liability [la??’b?l?t?]责任 Company )有限责任企业 , partnership合伙企业 corporation法人 . ;Ownership/ management team?– Names of the key people behind the company. Location?– Where is the company headquartered? Where is your company located?;Company history?– When was the business started, what inspired 鼓舞you to start the business, what need does your company fulfill满足? ; Mission statement宗旨 ?– A clear statement that represents the purpose of your company. Products/services and target market?– A brief overview of what you plan to sell and to whom. ;Objectives?- An outline of what you want to accomplish in the immediate future. Vision statement远景声明 ?– A statement about how you envision预想 the future of the company. ; Volvo (瑞典)? 沃尔沃公司???? South African Airways (南非) 南非航空公司 Sony (日) 索尼公司 Banco Galicia [b??ko][[ɡ?li?i?] ] (阿根廷)? 加里西亚银行 BHP(澳大利亚)不罗肯希尔土地兴业公司 ;Gothenburg [‘ɡ?θ?nb?:ɡ]哥德堡(Swedish ) Tokyo [tokjo] (Japan) Buenos Aires [bwen?s ai?riz]布宜诺斯艾利斯(Argentinean) Johannesburg [d??uh?nisb?:ɡ]约翰尼斯堡(South African ) Melbourne [m?lb?n]墨尔本 (Australian) ; Read the company description and look at the map. Which company is it? ;Talk about companies like this;Daimler-Benz (德) [‘daiml?] [benz]戴姆勒-奔驰汽车公司???? Siemens (德) 西门子股份公[si?m?nz] ?Brother (韩国) 兄弟公司??? Toyota (日) 丰田汽车公司 Fiat (意大利) [‘fi??t]菲亚特汽车公司 Gucci (意大利) 古奇公司[gutt?i] Levi Strauss (美) 利瓦伊-斯特劳斯公司[li?va?]?[str??s] Microsoft (美) 微软公司 ;Seattle [si‘?tl] 西雅图 San Francisco 旧金山 Turin [‘tju?rin ]都灵(Italy) Milan [m?l?n] (Italy) Stuttgart [st?tɡɑ:t]斯图加特 (Germany) Nagoya [‘nɑ:ɡ?:’jɑ:]名古屋 Munich[‘mju:nik] 慕尼黑(Federal Germany)联邦德国 ; Nation Nationality Germany?? 德国 German Italy?? 意大利 Italian Japan?? 日本


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