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第二章 健康与疾病 ( Health and illness );;;;;知识点4 健康促进的概念 健康促进的策略;; ;第一节 健康与健康促进 health and health promotion ;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;第二节 疾病与预防保健 ;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;第三节 医疗卫生保健政策与体系 (Medical health care policy and system) ;重点难点解析;初级卫生保健是人们所能得到的最基本的保健照顾,包括疾病预防、健康维护、健康促进及康复服务。;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;重点难点解析;;1.健康不仅是没有疾病,而且包括躯体健康、心理健康、社会适应良好和道德健康。 Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and moral well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. 2.影响健康的主要因素包括:生物因素、心理因素、环境因素、行为生活方式和医疗卫生服务体系。 The factors affecting health include biological, mental, environmental factors, behavior and lifestyles, medical and health service system.;3.生存质量是指个体在其所处的文化和风俗习惯的背景下,由生存的标准、理想、追求的目标所决定的对其目前社会地位及生存状况的认识和满意程度。 Quality of life is an individual’s recognition and satisfaction of currently social status and life conditions, which is decided by living standard, dream and goals under the background of culture and customs. ;4.健康促进是促使人们维护和提高他们自身的过程,是协调人类与环境之间的战略,规定个人与社会对健康各自所负的责任。 Health promotion is the process of enabling people to maintain and improve themselves, is the strategy of coordinating humankind and their environment, and regulates individual and society responsibilities for health.;5.常见的病人角色适应不良包括角色行为冲突、角色行为强化、角色行为缺如、角色行为减退和角色行为异常。 The commonly maladaptive role of patients include role behavior conflict, role behavior intensification, role behavior scarcity, role behavior reduction and role behavior deviation.;6. 健康和疾病是相对的过程,健康和疾病的关系和相互作用可通过健康疾病连续体体现。 Health and illness are a relative process. The relationship and interaction between health and illness can be reflected by health-illness continuum.;7.在健康疾病过程的任何阶段,均可采取一些预防措施,以避免或延迟疾病的发生,阻止疾病的恶化并促进康复。疾病的预防包括一级预防、二级预防和三级预防。 Preventive measures can be taken to avoid or delay disease, prevent the progression of disease, and promote recovery in any stage of health-illness process. Disease prevention includes primary prevention, secondary preve


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