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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Reading(Ⅱ) ;What do you think will happen to Henry? Will the bank note help him or get him into trouble? Give a possible development to the story. ;Language points for reading Let’s learn some important words and expressions:;Review ;bring up He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri… 他在密苏里州的汉尼拨长大……;2. adventure … such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer … ……例如《汤姆·索亚历险记》 …… adventure: n. 冒险,奇遇 v. 冒险;拿……冒险 adventurous: adj.喜欢冒险的;大胆创新的 adventurer: n.冒险者;冒险家 Zheng He is an ___________;he loves ___________. So he is____________.;3. see sb. doing …they see a penniless young man wandering on the pavement outside their house. ……他们看到一位身无分文的年轻人在他们房外的街道上徘徊。;4. a large sum of sth. = a large quantity of sth. 大量的 … gives you a large sum of money to spend as you like. ……给你一大笔钱,随你怎么花。 【拓展】 a large amount of 谓语用单数,后接不可数名词 a large quantity of 谓语用单数,接可数或不可数名词 quantities of 谓语用复数,接可数名词复数或不可数名词 【即学即练】 水库存了大量的水。 __________________ water is stored in the reservoir. ;5. make a bet 打赌 … have made a bet. ……打了一个赌。 make a bet on sth. with sb. = bet on sth. with sb.在某事上和某人打赌 I bet …= I’m certain…我肯定…… I want to make a bet with you. 我想跟你打个赌。;to come;go ahead;8. by accident =by chance 偶然地; 意外地 As a matter of fact ,I landed in Britain by accident. 事实上,我在英国上岸纯属偶然。 我只是碰巧找到的。;9. matter n. v. As a matter of fact 事实上 (1) n. affair, topic or situation being considered 事情;问题;情况 【即学即练】 我不和同事谈私事。 I don’t discuss private ________with my colleagues. 下次会议我们有几件重要的事情要处理。 We have several important ________ to deal with at our next meeting. ;(2)n.[U]physical substance or things of a specified kind物质;材料;物品 【即学即练】 The universe is composed of________. 宇宙是由物质构成的。 (3)v. be important 关系重大,要紧 他来也好去也好,那有什么关系呢? What does it _______whether he comes or goes? 你做什么对我都无所谓。 It doesn’t _________to me what you do.;10. stare v. his eyes stare at what is left of the brothers’ dinner on the table.他的眼睛盯着桌子上兄弟俩的残羹剩饭。 (1) look at sb./sth. with the eyes wide open in a fixe


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