步步高-2016中考英语总复习课件-名词 (共49张PPT).ppt

步步高-2016中考英语总复习课件-名词 (共49张PPT).ppt

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步步高-2016中考英语总复习课件-名词 (共49张PPT)

;;名词的分类;考点一 可数名词;考点一 可数名词;考点一 可数名词; (  )The students of Grade 7 visited Mikes farm and saw many ________ there.   A.bird        B.duck       C.sheep        D.rabbit; 根据many可推出后面的名词一定是可数名词的复数形式,A、B、D三个选项都是单数名词。 答案:C;考点一 可数名词;考点一 可数名词;考点一 可数名词;考点一 可数名词;考点一 可数名词; (  )1.—I hear you run for half an hour every day. —Right, we have to. It is one of the ________ in our school.                                   A.rules        B.plans        C.hobbies        D.choices;解析: A“制度”; B“计划”; C“爱好”; D“选择”。由句意可知选A。 答案:A; (  )2. Look!The kites in the sky are in different________. Some are big and some are small. A.size   B.sizes    C.color  D.colors; 解析:B 句意:看,天上的风筝大小不一。有的大,有的小。size“大小,尺寸”;color“颜色”。由题意可排除C、D项,且因风筝为复数,故选B。 答案:B; (  )3. —Its really hot today. What drinks do we have in the fridge? —We have some ________. A.noodle  B.cheese   C.sausages  D.lemonade; 解析:D A“面条”; B“奶酪”; C“香肠”; D“柠檬汁”。根据上下文,问的是饮料,所以选D。 答案:D;考点二 不可数名词; (  ) —Mum, Ive heard that we cant eat ________ these days. Is it true? —Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat.                                   A.chicken  B.chickens  C.a chicken  D.the chicken; 解析:A chicken有两种意思,作“小鸡”讲,是可数名词,作“鸡肉”解时,是不可数名词。在本题中应该是“鸡肉”。 答案:A;考点二 不可数名词;考点二 不可数名词;考点二 不可数名词; (  )Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous ________ in American ________. A.symbol; culture   B.symbol; cultures C.symbols; culture   D.symbols; cultures; 解析:C 考查名词单复数。固定用法“one of the+最高级+可数名词复数”决定famous后面的名词要用复数;culture 是不可数名词,所以答案是C。 答案:C;考点三 名词所有格; (  )Katherine was excited to receive a dozen of roses from her husband on ________ Day. A.Woman  B.Women  C.Woman‘s  D.Womens; 解析:D 本题考查名词所有格, 其构成是“名词复数+s”,woman的复数形式是women,妇女节是Womens Day


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