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Marvels;;1;He is a soldier, in the Avengers, and he is the captain. Captain America is also known as US Army officer Steve Rogers(Chris Evans), he had just dispatched the evil Nazi offshoot Hydra, and then was frozen in ice. With his splendid physique, he still looks exactly the same 70 years later.;In the new sequel, Roger struggles to embrace his role in the modern world. But soon he finds himself in a battle against a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier. 在全新续集中,罗杰斯努力适应着现代的生活。 但很快,他便发现自己要面对一个与自己渊源颇深的全新敌人:前苏联特工“冬兵”。 The simple premise is more than enough to keep the film brimming with high-speed chases, fistfights, surprising attacks and miraculous rescues. But the film also breaks new creative ground for Marvel Studios. 简单的故事设定再加上高速飙车、打斗、突袭以及出奇制胜等桥段,足以令该片饱满充实。而该片也为漫威影史翻开了创意新篇章。 ;美国队长 Captain America: The First Avenger?(2011);彩蛋2:美国队长接受表彰的时候缺席了,有人出来跟颁奖嘉宾耳语, 斯坦·李(author)坐在台下,说:“我以为他会更高点呢。”;美国队长2 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014);2;;;钢铁侠 Iron Man?(2008);钢铁侠2 Iron Man 2(2010);彩蛋:又见老爷子;3;This film is different from others which helps the weak,it mainly said the struggle between the human nature and bestiality.;绿巨人浩克 Hulk?(2003);片尾彩蛋钢铁侠托尼·斯塔克意外现身,预示着绿巨人正式纳入《复仇者联盟》版图;4;奥汀的养子,是“寒冰王” 劳菲之子,喜欢说谎和伤害 别人,奸诈无比,是恶势力 的代表。他意图杀害自己的 兄长托尔、取代他的地位。 洛基善于使用黑暗魔法,并 可以用魔法改变外形,即使 头被砍下也不会死。他经常 身着绿装,头戴两角头盔, 并披着斗篷。;雷神 Thor?(2011);彩蛋2:教授认识的那个搞伽马射线的哥们, 就是后来破坏了半个纽约的绿巨人布鲁斯·班纳。;彩蛋4:片尾彩蛋的镜子里出 现了附体于Servig的洛基影像;雷神2:黑暗世界 Thor: The Dark World ?(2013);饰演邪神洛基的 汤姆·希德勒斯顿 堪称本片的一大亮点。;;;THANK YOU.


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