国外 加盟 门店 销售 流程 管理.ppt

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国外 加盟 门店 销售 流程 管理

The management of the workflow 销售流程管理;The process of the store management 店面管理流程;The Actors 人员;The Actors 人员;The Steps 步骤;The Steps 步骤;Step 1 Sale Validation of the sale 第一步 销售和 销售审批 ;Diagram of step 1 第一部图示;The points to be controlled by the director (Check List) 经理应审查的重点 (查阅单);Step 2 Registration of the Sale 第二步 记录销售 ;Diagram of step 2 第二步图示;Customer folder 客户资料夹内容;How to “physically” manage the customer folder 人工管理客户资料;Creation of the T-form Fiche T型卡片的制作;The Panel of T-form fiche (Administrative Assistant) T型卡片看板 (助理);Follow the Documents with the Panel of T-form Fiche 利用T形卡片看板跟进资料;Follow the Documents with the Panel of T-form Fiche 利用T形卡片跟进客户资料; ;Conclusion 结论;Step 3 Measurement 第三步 实地测量;Diagram of step 3第三步图示; ; ;Make an Appointment for the Measurement 约定实测时间;Make the appointment for the Measurement 约定实测时间 ;The mission to be accomplished at the appointment of Measure实地测量时应测试的内容;Step 4 Send the purchase order to the Suppliers 第四步 下订单给供货商;Diagram of step 4第四步图示;Step 5 Program the fitting 第五步 做安装计划;Program the fitting 做安装计划;Step 6 Receive the order confirmation 第六步 收到回执;Diagram of step 6第六步图示;Modification in the Design software 在设计软件中作相应修改 - Inform the Administrative Assistant of the modifications 告知助理所需修改的部分 ; ;Step 7 Program the delivery 第七步 做送货入户计划 ;Program the delivery 做送货入户计划;Suggestions for the warehouse 给仓库的建议;Step 8 Delivery 第八部 送货入户;Diagram of step 8 第八步图示;the Remaining Sum 余款;Step 9 Fitting Step 10 Archive the Document 第九步 安装 第十步 存档;assessment of conformity 满意度评估表;Step 11 The Invoice 第十一步 发票;Report of the Store (à adapter);Which information a Director of Store possess?;Instrument;The reports according to their utilities;Example 1;Example 2;Period of the Report; ;The objective of turnover and margin 营业额和利润目标 ;The objective of turnover营业额目标(1);At the beginning of each month 月初 Refine the monthly objective确定月度目标 Take into account the exceptional commercial actions (trade fair) 把特殊商业活动(交易会等)考虑在内 Take into consideration


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