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2001-2012年黄淮南片国审小麦新品种分析 李爱国,宋晓霞,吴春西 河南省漯河市农业科学院,河南漯河,462300 作者简介:李爱国(1981.9-),男,助理研究员。主要从事小麦区试及品种利用工作E-mail:shengke925@126.com 摘要:在2001-2012年,共有82个小麦品种通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定适宜在黄淮南片麦区推广应用。其中,弱春性品种25个,半冬性品种57个。弱筋小麦2个,中筋小麦62个,强筋小麦18个,三者比例为1︰31︰9。这些品种的产量及其三要素的变化范围为:产量6711.0-8116.5kg/hm2,有效穗558.0-667.5万/hm2,穗粒数31.6-38.7粒,千粒重在37.3-43.9g。从地域分布看,河南50个(61%),江苏12个(14.6%),陕西7个(8.5%),安徽6个(7.3%),山东3个(3.7%),河北2个(2.4%),另有2个品种(2.4%)是由中国农科院作物所和其设在安阳和新乡的育种点合作共同选育成功。从育种单位类型看,科研院所育成品种63个,约占76.8%;种子公司育成16个品种(19.5%);农业推广系统仅有3个品种(3.7%)通过审定。 关键词:2001-2012年,黄淮南片,国审小麦新品种 Analysis of the wheat cultivars adapt to the south area of the Huanghe and Huaihe rivers approved by the National Crop Variety Approval Committee during 2001-2012 Li Aiguo, Song xiaoxia, Wu chunxi (Luohe Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Henan Province, Henan Luohe, 462300) Abstract: During 2001-2012, a total of 82 wheat varieties adapt to the south area of the Huanghe and Huaihe rivers, were approved by the National Crop Variety Approval Committee. Among them, there were 25 weak spring varieties and 57semi-winter varieties; furthermore there were 2, 62, 18 weak gluten, middle Gluten and strong gluten with the proportion is 1︰31︰9. The production traits, such as production, effective spike, grain number per spike and the kilo-grain weight, concentrated in 6711.0-8116.5 kg/hm2, 5.58-6.675 million per hectare, 31.6-38.7 and 37.3-43.9g. On the regional distribution, 50 (61%) were selected from Henan, 12 (14.6%) were selected from Jiangsu, 7 (8.5%) were selected from Shaanxi, 6 (7.3%) were selected from Anhui, three (3.7%) were selected from Shandong, 2 (2.4%) were selected from Hebei province. Moreover, another two varieties (2.4%) were selected by the Crop Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Anyang and Xinxiang breeding point cooperation. As for the breeding units type, 63 (76.8%) varieties were selected by the scientific research institutions; 16 (19.5%) varieties were selected by some Seed companies


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