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After watching the short video, please tell me what problems it indicates(暗示).;;【教学目标】 一、知识目标 学会如何阅读写问题型说明文。 二、情感目标 培养学生的环保意识和主人翁意识。 【教学重难点】 重点:了解环境问题的相关知识。 阅读与写作技巧的训练。 难点:运用所学词汇与句型,围绕主题 进行讨论和写作。 【学生达标】 在原有基础上夯实词汇句型基础,提升 阅读能力,重视写作练习。 ;Topic 1 sandstorm;Task2 Reading (自读感知) Step1 Fast reading ; Generally speaking, the theme or purpose of an article comes in the first paragraph, usually as the first or last sentence. Remember to record these topic sentences carefully in order to understand the main idea of the passage. ; ◎; The causes of sandstorm: cutting down too many trees; desertification; high temperature and little rain; air and water pollution; the growing population of the world; improper use of land; rapid spread of urbanization; ;;It can be reduced if we try to “repair” desert and protect areas that are in danger of becoming desert. ; problems;Protect our environment;Return GREEN to the earth!;;Task4 教材整合 必修二 Module 2 No Drugs 必修三 Module 3 The violence of Nature Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 必修四 Module 2 Traffic Jam 必修五 Module 6 Animals in Danger ;Water is the source of life, but it is not inexhaustible. If we did not take action now, the last drop of water in the world would be man’s tear!;Task 5 实战演习 ;问题型说明文写作模板 ;For example: Most environmental problems exist because necessary measures for preventing them were not taken in the past. ;Task 6 Summary This period, we’ve read a passage about environmental problems. When we read the articles with similar topics, how can we analyze the articles efficiently? ;Homework Write a passage about water shortage. 【温馨提示】 三段式作文法 ;明天话题: 写好英语作文的五个步骤 ------如何写问题型说明文 百度网络查询2010 福建高考英语写作分析;【知识链】 也门 热带沙漠气候 所以这个地区的河流少,其中沙特阿拉伯, 科威特,阿曼, 也门, 卡塔???,巴林, 阿拉伯联合酋长国被称为“无流国”;Thank you all .;The day before yesterday;【知识链】 也门 热带沙漠气候 所以这个地区的河流少,其中沙特阿拉伯, 科威特,阿


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