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企业单位宣传材料; 企业广告文,是一种具有推广和宣传企业形象的应用文体,通过一定的传媒进行宣传、介绍,达到引起客户的业务意向或消费者的购买欲望。;四个鲜明的特点: 1.实用性 2.程式化的文章格式 3.多样化的表现手法 4.言简意赅;本公司重合同、守信用,(欢迎)海内外企业家前来洽谈业务。 Our company makes a point of observing contracts and maintaining our commercial integrity, and (warmly welcomes) enterpreneurs from both home and abroad to have business talks with us. make a point of doing sth----do sth because one considers it important or necessary;(自1990年起),公司已经(连续三年)在中国 进出口额 最大的500家外资企业中进入前30位。 For three consecutive years since 1990, our company has been listed as one of the top 30 enterprises among China’s 500 largest foreign trade companies in import-export volumes. ;公司年产(150万 至 180万)双鞋,远销美国、加拿大、欧共体诸果、中南美洲、东欧诸国、中东地区、俄罗斯、东南亚以及中国香港等(40多个国家和地区)。 The company’s annual output of shoes (ranges from) 1.5 to 1.8 million pairs. These have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions (such as) America, Canada, the EEC countries, the Central and South America, the East European countries, the Middle East, Russia, Southeast Asia and China’s Hong Kong SAR.;事业的成败在于人,生产出优秀的产品之前,首先培养优秀的人才,公司极为重视对人的培养和教育,事实表明,在企业经营方针的指导下,全体员工具有一种精神的凝聚力,公司的每一项活动都是围绕培养人而展开的。 The quality of staff is the key to success. Without well-trained qualified workers, there are no high-quality products. (This belief keeps) our company giving the first priority to staff-training and staff-education. It has proved that the company’s operation policy can unite all staff in spirit. The company’s central task lies in how to train employees.; As the success of a career depends on man, a company can have ability to produce good products only after having cultivated excellent talents. Our company emphasizes the cultivation of its staff. It has been shown that under the guidance of the company’s business policy, all the staff are united in spirit and every activity of the company focuses on the cultivation of the staff. ;我司经营的品种中有(举世闻名)的贝雕工艺品;(色彩艳丽)、(种类繁多)的人造花卉;令人(爱不释手)的小工艺品;(体态生动活泼)的各式玩具;(款式新颖)、(穿着


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