10.人体解剖学-颅腔contents of cranial cavity.ppt

10.人体解剖学-颅腔contents of cranial cavity.ppt

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10.人体解剖学-颅腔contents of cranial cavity

Contents of Cranial Cavity ;Coverings of the brain;Dura mater;Septum ;septum;The sellar diaphragm;Sellar Diaphragm; 2 layers of dura Epidural space;Dura venous sinuses;sup. sagittal sinus, inf. sagittal sinus, straight sinus;transverse sinus, cavernous sinus, sigmoid sinus;Cavernous sinus;Cavernous sinuses;Subarachnoid space Cistern;Intercranial hemorrhages ;middle meningeal a. v.;Brain ;Blood supply of brain; Ascending through the transverse foramen of cervical vertebrae ;Enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum;Unit to form basilar artery at the junction between the medulla and pons. At the junction between the pons and midbrain, it gives superior cerebellar arteries and posterior cerebral arteries ; ICA enters the middle fossa of the cranial cavity through the carotid canal ;ICA passes forwards through the cavernous sinus then upwards on the medial aspect of the anterior clinoid process前床突 lateral to optic chiasm 视交叉;ICA passes forwards through the cavernous sinus; ICA, MCA, ACA, AC, PC, PCA, BA unit to form WILL’S CIRCLE; WILL’S CIRCLE; Middle Cerebral A ;Anterior and posterior cerebral a.;The central branches;The central arteries;Arterial supplies of the brain; Carotid angiograms anteriorposterior view; Carotid angiograms lateral view;Vertebral a angiograms lateral view;Venous drainage of the brain;the superficial veins lie within the subarachnoid space;the superficial veins;Superior cerebral vein drain the anterior-lateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres and empty into superior sagittal sinus. Superficial middle cerebral vein drain the middle-lateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres and runs along the lateral fissure, empties into cavernous sinus. inferior cerebral vein drain the posterior- lateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres and empty into anastomosis vein. Two anastomosis veins.;Deep cerebral veins; Deep cerebral veins; Deep cerebral veins;Dural venous sinus; Superior –confluence向上交汇 of the si


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