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数字图像处理结业论文 数字图像处理技术应用——除草机器人 Application of Digital Signal Processing Technology -- Weeding Robot 2015年6月30日  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 10 摘要 图像是一种客观存在的事物,是光学信息在二位空间并列的表示,是一种信息的载体 钟玉琢.机器人视觉技术[M].北京:国防工业出版社,1994 。数字图像处理(Digital Image Processing)就是对已获得的图像信号转换为数字信号并利用计算机对其进行处理的过程,从而满足人们的视觉或者应用需求。数字图像处理最早作为一门学科在20世纪60年代初,从70年代末开始进入一个活跃的研究阶段。一开始主要应用于航天,医学的应用,并取得了巨大成就。随着数字图像处理技术的深入发展,逐渐应用到各个研究领域。在农业方面的研究虽然起步较晚,却是有着巨大的发展空间。 在农作物养殖过程中,令人头疼的劳作之一就是杂草的去除。杂草的去除对农作物无疑是有益的,目前我国在防治去除杂草,主要是采用大面积喷洒除草剂,这样不仅对农作物造成伤害,残留农药对人的身体健康造成伤害,而且对环境造成了一定的污染。 利用数字图像处理的图像灰度化,去噪,图像分割,边缘检测,形态学等技术将杂草与农作物区分开,将信息传给机器人,在机器人眼中,农作物是一个颜色,之外的杂草是另外一个颜色,机器人便可自己将杂草除去 ,而且还可以控制行走时避开障碍物等。农业设备的自动化是21世纪的发展趋势,国家倡导发展现代农业,建设新农村,加大农业科研的投入。 关键词:数字图像处理;精准农业;除草机器人 ;计算机视觉 Abstract Image is an objective existence of things, optical information in the two space, information carrier [1]. Digital Image Processing converts signals into digital signals which is handled by the computer , so as to meet the peoples vision or application requirements. Digital Image Processing was first used as a subject in the early 60s in twentieth century entered an active research stage. The first major application is in the aerospace, then in the medical applications, and has made great achievements. With the development of Digital Image Processing , the application of Digital Image Processing technology is gradually applied to various fields. Although the research on agriculture started late, it has a huge development space. In the process of crop breeding, one of the troublesome work is the removal of weeds. Weed removal of crops is undoubtedly beneficial, at present ,the way of our country in preventing and controlling weed, mainly is using herbicides in large area, This will not only cause damage to crops, pesticide residues in the health of people, but also caused a certain environmental pollution. Using digital image processing technology to separate the weed and crop, transmitting the information


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