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Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines Language points;1.Yang was in space for twenty-one and a half hours and made 14 orbits of the earth. make an orbit of … 围绕…转圈 orbit (n.) 轨道/势力范围 (vt.) 绕…轨道而行 (vi.) 进入轨道/沿轨道飞行/盘旋 e.g. The moon orbits the earth. e.g. When he was orbiting in the capsule, he took photographs of earth.;2. When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations. congratulation n. 恭喜,祝贺(常用复数)   “在……方面的祝贺”常用介词on。 I offer you congratulations on the New Year. 我向你祝贺新年。 Congratulations on your success. 祝贺你成功!; congratulate vt. congratulate sb. on /upon sth. “为某事向某人祝贺” I congratulate you on your success. He congratulated us on getting married. congratulate oneself on “暗自庆幸……” I heartily congratulate myself on having chosen a good woman to be my wife. I congratulated myself that I missed being punished for cheating in the exam. 我暗自庆幸没有因考试作弊被惩罚。;辨析:celebrate 和congratulate celebrate表示“举行(仪式),庆祝(胜利等), 后面多为节日; congratulate则强调“道喜,道贺”, 后面多为sb.或on sth.。 I congratulated my girl friend on her birthday. 我向女友祝贺生日。 I celebrated her birthday. 我庆祝她的生日。;3.aboard adv. prep. 在船(飞机、车)上; 上船(飞机、车). After we went aboard, the plane took off immediately. 我们一上飞机,飞机就起飞了。 All aboard! (对乘客)各位,请上船(火车或飞机)! He was already aboard the plane. 他已上飞机了。;4.”Welcome to space,” he said. welcome 1) interj. 欢迎光临 Welcome home / back. Welcome to Beijing.;2) vt. (welcomed, welcomed)“欢迎” welcome sb. to some place (欢迎某人来某个地方), 不能用为welcome sb. to do sth. (欢迎某人干某事)。 She welcomed the visitors warmly.  她热情地欢迎来访者。 翻译:欢迎您来我校参观。 Welcome you to our school. (√) Welcome you to come to our school. (×);3) adj. 表示“受欢迎的”,作定语或作表语, We had the feeling that we were not welcome at the meeting. 我们感到在会上是不受欢迎的。 be welcome to sth./ to do sth. “可随意取用某物或做某事”。 You are welcome to the use of my money at any time. 欢迎你任何时候用我的钱


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