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平川四中七年级英语下Unit7导学案 班级 姓名 科目 English 课题 Lesson 37: You Are What You Eat! 课型 New lesson 备课人 裴慧萍 授课人 授课时间 学 习 目 标 知识与能力:词汇:truth, decide, change, habit, usual, health, saying, 句型: 1. Jenny looks at Danny and notices something very strange. 2. There are many different vegetables in it. 3. To tell you the truth, I decided to change my eating habits. 4. You shouldn’t eat so many donuts. 过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习 情感态度和价值观:让学生养成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。 教 学 重点: 句型: 1. Jenny looks at Danny and notices something very strange. 2. There are many different vegetables in it. 3. To tell you the truth, I decided to change my eating habits. 4. You shouldn’t eat so many donuts. 难点: 灵活运用所学句型,怎样用英语谈论天气。 学法指导 1.自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿. 2.课堂探究,对自主学习遇到疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。 知识链接:学会用英语谈论自己的生活习惯 修改建议 学习流程: 一,知识导航 学会用英语谈论自己的生活习惯,常用句型: 1. Jenny looks at Danny and notices something very strange. 2. There are many different vegetables in it. 3. To tell you the truth, I decided to change my eating habits. 4. You shouldn’t eat so many donuts. 二.预习指导 1.听对话填课本99页第一大题。 2.学习建议:再读一遍对话,迅速勾画出新短语,单词和句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。 A.单词 truth____, decide____, change____, habit____, usual____, health____, saying____, B.短语 have lunch together, something very strange, be good for, that’s true, to tell sb. the truth, decide to do sth., change one’s eating habits, as usual, say to sb., shouldn’t eat so many sth., have a dream, in the dream, be awful, be scared, what happened to sb., take a walk after supper, on time, be very boring, catch the bus 三.知识点探究 1.动词不定式用法: 2. so/such区别: 3.should用法 4. happen用法: 即兴练习: 选词填空: He ate ________ (so/such) much food yesterday. We should ________ (take) more exercise every day. What happened ________ (with/to) Danny? 四,学以致用,拓展提升: 汉译英: 丹尼应该改变一下饮食习惯。 每个人都有一个梦想。 他常在晚饭后散步。 孩子们喜欢一些奇怪的东西。 五.总结反刍 注意对话的背诵及灵活运用重点句式。 六.基础知识巩固题--把简单的事做好就叫不简单!                              选用本课短语写一篇学英语的小短文。 七、 板书设计: Main words Main Phrases Language Points Exercises Summary 平川四中七年级英语下Unit7导学案


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