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1 沈阳建筑大学 毕业设计说明书 毕 业 设 计 题 目 客户关系管理系统 学院专业班级 信息与控制工程学院计算机 班 学 生 姓 名 性别 指 导 教 师 职称 2014年 6月7日 摘要 客户关系管理系统是典型的管理信息系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端web程序的开发。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的数据库。而对于后者则要求具备程序功能完备,易使用等特点。 随着市场体系的日益完善,我们已经进入了一个买方市场时代。选择空间扩大、购买渠宽、消费心态和购买行为越发成熟,使客户再不会对某一企业或者产品盲目地保持绝对忠诚,如何不断改善客户关系,掌据更多的客户信息,提高客户满意度;如何在日益激烈的市场竞争中把握机会,占有更大的市场份额;如何建立高效业务流程,降低运营成本,获取更多的利润,这些已成为每个企业面临的首要问题。 本文介绍了客户关系管理系统的开发初衷和背景,系统的开发工具,面向对象开发的具体步骤,其中包括功能结构图,数据库表设计等必要的图形说明,本系统在设计方面使用Java语言,采用B/S模式,同时使用JSP技术进行基本页面的设计与功能实现,后台数据库选用SQL 2008数据库。 关键词:客户关系管理系统;SQL Server2008 数据库;SSH框架;JSP技术 Abstract Customer relationship management system is a typical information management system, which mainly include database creation and maintenance, and front-end application development. The former required strong data consistency and integrity of data, good safety database. For the latter requirement with the application functions, easy to use features. With more perfect market system, we have entered a buyers market era. Choice of space to expand, purchase channel width, consumer attitudes and buying behavior become more mature, customers will no longer blindly certain companies or products to maintain absolute integrity, and how we can improve customer relations, palm, according to more customer information, improving customer satisfaction ; how the increasingly fierce competition in the market the opportunity to capture greater market share; how to create efficient business processes, reduce operational costs, gain more profit, they have become afraid of each enterprise the most important issue facing. According to the first few stages of the analysis and design, the system used in the design of B / S mode by Java language, while using JSP technology for the basic page design and implementation of function, use SQL 2008 database back-end database. Key words: Custo


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