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PAGE 5 浅谈太原市在全民健身背景下大众武术的发展及对策 摘要:随着我国社会经济蒸蒸日上,人民生活的水平也在不断地提高,由此为全民健身的发展创造了极其有利的环境。在当今竞技体育大发展的同时,群众体育也如火如荼地开展。但原先的体育模式已经跟不上历史的潮流,需要进行新的体育探索,更需要创造出崭新的大众体育体系来适应全民健身的需求。在当今全民健身的背景之下,全国各地区都掀起了大众健身热潮,而大众武术作为我国传统体育项目,在全民健身运动中发挥了重要作用。这就为武术的发展提供了千载难逢的机遇,而大众武术则更适合在群众武术中得到广泛发展。本文运用文献资料研究方法、逻辑分析法等,主要研究全民健身的时代背景下,当前太原市大众武术的发展情况,并提出相应观点来使大众武术更好的服务于太原群众,以提高广大太原群众的身体素质。 关键词:太原市;全民健身;大众武术;发展;对策 Analysis Development and Countermeasures of Taiyuan the National Fitness context Volkswagen martial arts Abstract: With China’s socio-economic flourishshing, The level of people’s lives are constantly improving. Thus created an extremely favorable environment for the development of National Fitness.In today’s competitive sports development at the same time,The mass sports also carried out in full swing. However, the orginal sports model has not keep up with the tide of history, The need for a new sports explore,More need to create a new public sports system to adapt to the needs of the National Fitness. In the context of today’s National Fitness, various regions of the country have set off a mass fitness craze. Popular martial arts as traditional sports in China, Played an important role in the national fitness campaign. This provides a golden opportunity for the development of martial arts, popular martial arts is more suitable for widely developed in the martial arts of the masses. In this paper, literature research methods, logical analysis method, Main research the historical background of the National Fitness.Taiyuan popular martial arts development,and put forward the corresponding point of view to the pulic martial arts to better serve the Taiyuan masses,to improve the physical fitness of the Taiyuan masses. Key words: Taiyuan; the National Fitness; popular martial arts; development; countermeasures 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc357420252 1 全民健身的意义  PAGEREF _Toc357420252 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc357420253 2 大众武术  PAGEREF _Toc357420253 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l


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