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 PAGE 1  PAGE 1  积极心理学在企业员工培训中的应用——提高员工的工作幸福感 作 者学 院工商管理学院专 业人力资源管理年 级2007学 号指导教师答辩日期成 绩 Abstract 摘 要  PAGE 1  PAGE 1 摘 要 近年来,人们越来越关注生活质量的提高,关注个人幸福感的提高。工作作为人生的重要组成部分,其幸福与否决定着个人的幸福。本文主要讨论了积极心理学在西方的兴起,积极心理学的功能,我国企业员工的工作幸福指数状况以及如何运用积极心理学原理来指导企业员工培训。旨在基于积极心理学,为员工工作幸福感的提高提出新的解决方案,即从主观角度???发,通过企业培训,包括培训内容的优化、针对不同的培训对象制定不同的培训方案以及培训目标的实现等方面,建立有效融入积极心理学原理的培训体系,用以培养员工积极乐观的心态,对抗各种压力的能力,遇到问题解决问题的能力,使员工得到“毕生”的发展,从内心真正地提高幸福感。 关键词:积极心理学 工作幸福指数 员工培训 ABSTRACT 2 ABSTRACT In recent years, more and more people focus on improving the quality of life and concern the personal happiness. Work as the most important part of life, the attitude that we chose to work for life or live to work determines our feeling of well-being. This paper discusses the booming of Positive Psychology in the West , its functions, the situation of employees happiness index in China, and how can we make use of positive psychology principles to guide the employee training. This paper is based on positive psychology, and brings us new ideas to deal with the problem how can we increase employees well-being. From a subjective point, establish the training system which is including positive psychology, such as training content optimization, making different training programmes for different employees, and setting training goals. So it can develop staff positive and optimistic attitude, it can cultivate the ability of employees against a variety of pressures, it can dig the skills of problem-solving.Then the employees can have the lifelong development and achieve self-realization. So they can have the true well-being felling in their heart. Key words: Positive Psychology, working happiness index, staff training 目 录  PAGE 1  PAGE 1 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc21929 一、积极心理学的兴起和功能  PAGEREF _Toc21929 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc16145 (一)积极心理学在西方的兴起  PAGEREF _Toc16145 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc17471 (二)积极心理学的四大功能  PAGEREF _Toc



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