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PAGE  PAGE 2 會展英文對話50題(參考說法) 2009/08/31 請問您要參觀哪個展覽? Excuse me, which exhibition would you like to visit? 請問是要參觀食品展的嗎?麻煩到左邊櫃檯換證。如果是要參觀車展,請至右邊櫃檯做換證。Are you going to the Food Exhibition? Please go to the left counter and for your badge. For the Car Exhibition, please go to the right counter for your badges. 請問是要參加研討會的嗎?麻煩請至二樓。 Excuse me, are you here for the seminar? Then please go to the second floor. 參加研討會者,請上二樓。需要換證者,麻煩請往前方的櫃台。 The seminar is on the second floor. Please go to the front desk to get your badges. 如果您想要知道研討會時間及場次,您可以到該研討會的教室門口詢問服務人員。 If you would like to know more information about the seminar program (the time and the sessions of the seminar), you can go to the information desk at the classroom having the seminars. 這場研討會需要付費參加,不接受現場報名。 This seminar should be paid and registered in advance. Registering on the day of the seminar is not accepted. 本次展覽只提供給相關業者入場。抱歉,它不對外開放。 Sorry, this exhibition is only open to businesses of related industries. 請問需要換識別證嗎? Excuse me, do I need to change my badge? 請問有在網站上做過預先登錄嗎?或在網站上填寫過個人資料嗎? Have you registered for the conference on line before? Or did you fill out an on-line personal information form? 請到旁邊的寫字台先填寫問卷並準備好一張個人名片,如果你有攜帶名片,只需要勾選問題選項。 Please fill out the questionnaire on that counter and bring your own business card. If you have your business card, you can just check these question items. 問卷填寫完畢後,可至前方櫃檯做換證,謝謝。 After filling out the questionnaire, please go to the front desk to get your badge. Thank you. 請問是預先登錄者嗎?麻煩請在這邊入口排隊。 Excuse me, have you registered before? Please go to the entrance to line up. 先生,抱歉。後方有人在排隊等待,麻煩排隊,謝謝。 Excuse me, sir. There are still people waiting in line. Could you please go to the back of the line and wait? Thank you. 麻煩請往前走。 Please step forward. 如果您要問有關於攤位位置或地圖,麻煩請到詢問台做詢問,他們會為您解答。 If you are interested in the booths and the map of the room, you can ask for help at the information desk. 詢問台的位置,您可以從這個門口出去後右轉,看到路口左轉,然後走到底,就可以看到了。 Please turn right when you wal



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