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PAGE  第  PAGE 5 頁,共  NUMPAGES 5 頁 會話特別情境用語 「詢問對方近況」和「老友重逢時」 「詢問對方近況」常用語句 How are you getting along? How have you been? 表「老友重逢時」常用語句 It’s nice to see you again. I’m glad to see you again. 表「好久不見」常用語句 You’re quite a stranger. I haven’t seen you for ages. It’s a long time since I saw you last. 「接電話」常用語句 1.「請等一等」 Hold the line , please. Let me put you on hold. 2.「你的電話」 It’s for you. 3.「謝謝你來電話」 Thank you for calling. 4.「佔線」 The line is busy. The line is crossed. 5.「你打錯號碼」 You have the wrong number. 6.「你打幾號啊?」 What number are you calling? 7.「你要誰接電話?」 Who(m) do you wish to speak to? 8.「稍後我請他打過去」 I’ll have him call you later. 9.「請明早打電話給我」 Please call me up (Give me a call) tomorrow morning. 10.「留語」 May I take a message? Will you leave a message? 「道歉」及其「回話」常用語句 表「對不起」常用語句 Excuse me. Pardon me. I beg your pardon. I’m 〈very , awfully , terribly〉sorry. 表「遲到」及「麻煩別人」常用語句 I’m sorry to be late. I’m sorry I have troubled you. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long. I’m sorry I stepped on your toe. It’s my fault. 表「沒關係」常用語句 That’s 〈quite〉all right. Don’t worry〈about it〉. It’s nothing〈at all〉. Never mind. It doesn’t matter. Just forget it. 「請再說一遍」及「你什麼意思?」常用語句 1. Pardon? Beg your pardon? I beg your pardon? 2. Please repeat what you said. Will you say it again, please? Will you speak more slowly? 3. What do you mean by that? What does it mean? 「在飯館中」常用語句 1.「你要吃什麼」 May I take〈or have〉your order? 「你要喝什麼?」 What would you like to have〈or drink〉? 「你要吃什麼甜點?」 What would you like for dessert? 「對不起,我們沒有通心粉。」 I’m sorry we don’t have spaghetti. 「請先買餐卷。」 Please buy your meal tickets first. 2.「菜單給我好嗎?」 May I have a menu, please? Let me have the menu, please? Will you show me the menu, please? 「請給我一些牛排。」 I’ll have a steak. Please bring me some steak. 「你的牛排要怎樣吃?」 How would you like your steak? How do you want your steak? 「煮嫰(半生熟,熟一些)。」 Rare(Medium,Well-done), please


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